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Jones Violates Probation, Given Original Sentence, 1-15 Years

By Staff | Apr 23, 2014

Daniel Ray Jones, aka “Little D,” 38, of 130 N. Bridge Street, Lot 12, New Martinsville, confessed April 10 to violating his probation. Jones had already admitted guilt to a criminal offense committed in Ohio County.

Jones originally pleaded guilty on May 2, 2013, to delivery of oxycodone.

“When are you going to grow up?” Judge David W. Hummel inquired of Jones.

“Today sir,” Jones responded. Jones confessed he “went to pick up heroin,” and on the way back “I got pulled over.”

“I would just point out that he received a significant break when given probation the first time,” Neiswonger stated of Jones. “(Prosecuting Attorney Timothy) Haught very reluctantly offered him probation . . . I would just point out that if drug court existed at the time, he would’ve been a candidate.”

“Your honor, I’d like to address the court,” Jones stated. “I’m a drug addict and I’m sorry for my actions because of my drug addiction. I ask the court to help me . . . sanction me to 30-120 days . . . please help me get into a drug court program or a long-term rehab, so I can become a productive member of society.”

Haught stated that Jones did plead guilty to a misdemeanor offense in the magistrate court of Ohio County.

“(Jones) travelled with an individual . . . He left the state of West Virginia, went to PIttsburgh, got the heroin and was on his way back . . . which is another violation of his probation. I do not believe Mr. Jones, based on my knowledge of him . . . his underlying offense of delivery of hydrocodone . . . the fact that he had a substantial amount of heroin . . . 96 doses of heroin under the driver’s seat, seven doses in the sock of Jones . . . which is a significant amount with those two individuals . . . bringing back into West Virginia . . . I have a hard time to believe he didn’t intend to deliver it. Furthermore, his participation after being placed on probation . . .”

Haught recommended that Jones be remanded for one to 15 years, which was his original sentence prior to the suspension to probation.

“The court does in fact revoke the graciously granted supervised probation,” Hummel remarked. “While (Jones) did a read a letter to the court, it was contrived, it was oh . . . I’m in trouble . . . Let’s see what I can say to the judge to get some sympathy.”

Hummel remarked that he found Jones to be an “appropriately model inmate” and sentenced him to the one to 15 years. “I suspect you are serving life one sentence at a time,” he stated.