Waiver Sought For Bridge Repair

It appears as if more paperwork needs to be completed before repairs on New Martinsville’s Brooklyn-Main Street Bridge can begin.
According to the Department of Highways, the contractor, Velotta, cannot enter the water during fish spawning season, April 1 to July 1. However, a fish spawning waiver from the Department of Environmental Protection can be obtained. In the waiver the DOH has to provide the work to be performed and when it will be performed. The latter might depend upon fluctuating water levels.
Wetzel County Commissioners stated that they had been in contact with the Department of Highways, as well as West Virginia’s Division of Natural Resources.
Commission Vice President Larry Lemon stated that, specifically, he had spoken to Frank Jernejcic, Fisheries Management, of the Division of Natural Resources, regarding the matter. A fish waiver application has been made. However, information pertaining to water levels is needed from the contractor. Lemon stated that this information needs to be submitted before the waiver can be signed. “That’s a contractor responsibility,” Lemon noted.
By contract, the bridge must be finished by Aug. 15.