Board Continues Case, Suspends Employee
The following personnel and routine matters were approved at the April 7 meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education.
A student expulsion hearing was set for this meeting, as it had been continued on March 4, March 11, and March 18. Board member Carolyn Gatian spoke up, stating that the board had agreed not to continue the hearing any more times. Superintendent Dennis J. Albright stated that the attorney was unable to make it to the meeting. Board President Mike Blair stated that the board would discuss the matter behind closed doors, along with an executive session for the discussion of personnel matters and discipline of an employee.
The board voted to uphold the superintendent’s recommendation of a 10-day unpaid suspension of an employee contract, Molly Harris of Long Drain School. for violation of Employee Code of Conduct. Board Vice President Bob Patterson recused himself from voting on the matter.
John H. Ice, Jr., acceptance of retirement from position as fifth grade teacher at Paden City Elementary School, effective June 30.
Anna M. Barrick, acceptance of resignation from position as countywide substitute teacher, effective immediately.
Service Personnel:
Michael E. Blair, approval for change in assignment from “temporary” mechanic assistant, 623/E, to mechanic assistant, 623/E, 261-day contract, effective April 8.
Jennifer D. Brown, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Debra L. Coen, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Rebecca G. Haught, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Cindy L. Howell, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Sarah J. Kinczel, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Barbara J. Meadows, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Kayla L. Najeski, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Andrea N. Poe, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Kelly A. Schultheis, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Sherri S. Tennant, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Christena L. Wilcox, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective April 8.
Jennifer L. Eller, approval for contracted services position as summer program coordinator/teacher – Title I, at Short Line School, effective July 1.
Sharon E. Snider, approval for contracted services position as summer program coordinator/teacher – Title I, at Long Drain School, effective July 1.
Carol L. Tallman, approval for contracted services position as summer program coordinator/teacher – Title I, at New Martinsville School, effective July 1.
Joshua R. Weekley, approval for contracted services position as evening events coordinator, spring season, at Valley High School, effective the beginning of the 2013-2014 WVSSAC Season.
Leave of Absence:
Approval of request from Velisha I. Shepherd for an ‘unpaid medical leave of absence’ from her position as Head Volleyball Coach at Valley High School for the 2014 Volleyball season.
Re-Employment of Continuing Professional Personnel for the 2014-2015 School Year.
Re-Employment of Probationary Professional and Service Personnel for the 2014-2015 School Year.
Re-employment of Teachers for the 2014-2015 School Year on the basis of a Permit or Out-Of-Field Authorization (All pending receipt of the appropriate State Certification)
Routine Matters:
Request to Attend Wetzel County Schools:
Approval of request from Johnny Myers for his son, Levi Myers, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (VHS) for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, pending release from Marion County Schools.
Approval of request from Bridget Williams for her children, Ricki Williams, Jesse Efaw, Adam Efaw, and Randi Efaw, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (WCCCF, NMS, and MHS) for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year and the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Marshall County Schools.
Request to Use School Facilities:
Approval of request from Carol S. Haught, Clerk of the Wetzel County Commission, to use the following facilities for the Primary Election on May 13 and the general election on Nov. 4: HHS, SLS, VHS, PCES, WCCCF, BOE office, and NMS.
Request to Name the Multi-Purpose Building and Fine Arts Wing at Paden City High School:
Approval of request from the Paden City Alumni Association and the Paden City Foundation to name the Multi-Purpose Building as the “Jesse Brown Memorial Hall”, and to name the Fine Arts Wing as the “Ross ‘Ed’ Hood Fine Arts Wing” at PCHS. (As presented at the February 17, 2014 Board Meeting.)
Out of State Trips:
Approval of request from Emily Reed, seventh/eighth Science Teacher, to take the seventh grade SLS students on their field trip to the Carnegie Science Center and Pittsburgh Zoo on June 5. It is funded through student fundraisers and fees.
Approval of request from Marla LaRue, Chris Wilson, Stephanie Long, and Janet Tennant, to take the fourth and fifth grade classes from LDS to the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pa., on June 2. It is funded through student fees.
Right of Way
and Easement:
Approval of right-of-way and easement between Dallison Lumber Inc. and the Wetzel County Board of Education to grant the Board of Education the ability to construct improvements necessary to prevent drainage into the football stadium or onto the football field for Valley High School.
Approval of the following chaperones/volunteers at VHS for the 2013-2014 School Year: Robbie Gilbert, Jeff Stine, Annette Nice, John Stevens, Mary Bordenkircher, Mike Koontz, Roger Spragg, Eric Daugherty, Mike Owens, Rex Rush, Billy Midcap, Frank Slider, Bill Ferguson, and Bubba Holtz.
The board also accepted the audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. Board Treasurer Jeff Lancaster stated that the audit, performed by Tetrick and Bartlett, was a very thorough audit. “It’s good for us to go through that,” he stated.
He added, “I’d like to thank the staff that we have that deals with financial issues in this school system. It’s a tremendous staff we have here.”