Board Honors Employees Of The Month

Wetzel County Superintendent of Schools Dennis Albright, left, honors the November Employees of the Month, from left: John Boswell, Janice Moore, Sherry Croasmun, Jeff Rexroad, and Tom Durig. (Photo by Amy Witschey)
The Wetzel County Board of Education recognized the November Employees of the Month at their meeting held Jan. 22.
Those honored were Sherry Croasmun and Janice Moore, professional employees; and John Boswell, Tom Durig, and Jeff Rexroad, service personnel. Superintendent Dennis Albright presented the employees with certificates of recognition.
The board unanimously approved the superintendent’s recommendations, with President Mike Blair recusing himself from the vote on personnel matters.
Under routine matters, the board approved a change of date for Magnolia High School’s commencement ceremonies, from Friday, May 23, to Sunday, May 25 at 2 p.m. Albright explained that the Friday date will conflict with the state track meet.
He does not believe there will be any conflicts with other schools, with a possible exception of Paden City High School. Both PCHS and Hundred High School are scheduled to have graduation exercises on May 24. HHS does not anticipate having a participate in the state track meet, but PCHS could.
Valley High School’s commencement is scheduled for May 22, so it wouldn’t be a conflict in any circumstance.
The other matters approved were as follows.
James C. Archer Jr., acceptance of retirement from position as English/language arts teacher at Short Line School, effective June 30.
Roberta A. Blair, acceptance of retirement from position as fifth grade teacher at New Martinsville School, effective June 30.
Linda G. Dulaney, acceptance of retirement from position as supervisory teacher aide at SLS, effective June 30.
Ellen L. Horner, acceptance of retirement from position as first grade teacher at SLS, effective June 30.
Susan L. Paden, acceptance of retirement from position as supervisory teacher aide at Paden City Elementary School, effective June 30.
Lance L. Binegar, acceptance of resignation from position as assistant baseball coach at Valley High School, effective immediately.
Chad W. West, acceptance of resignation from position as girls’ track coach at NMS, effective Jan. 10.
Professional Personnel:
Adrianne O. Burkhart, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to half-time physical education/health teacher at Valley High School and will remain half-time countywide substitute teacher, effective Jan. 22.
Service Personnel:
Michael E. Blair, acceptance for change in assignment from substitute mechanic assistant, 623/E, to “temporary” mechanic assistant at bus garage, 623/E, 261-day contract, effective Jan. 22.
Faye K. Heasley, approval for change in assignment from half-time supervisory teacher aide at Hundred High School, 502/C, and half-time substitute teacher aide, 502/B, to supervisory teacher aide/autism mentor at SLS, 502/C, effective Jan. 22.
Heith M. Howell, approval for change in assignment from substitute bus operator, 655/D, to bus operator – bus #14-5, Pricetown Run, 655/D, effective Jan. 22.
Penny L. Tracy, approval for change in assignment from half-time cook II at SLS, 676/B, and half-time substitute cook, 676/B, to cook II at Paden City Elementary School, 676/B, effective Jan. 22.
Donna L. Dennis, approval for contracted services position as extended day tutor – Title I at Long Drain School, effective Jan. 28.
Donald R. Gilbert Jr., approval for employment as assistant baseball coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the WVSSAC season. (Not a county-funded position)
Olivia L. Gump, approval for contracted services position as extended day tutor – Title I at LDS, effective Jan. 28.
Abram S. Highley, approval for employment as head football coach at Valley High School, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.
Marla J. LaRue, approval for contracted services position as extended day tutor – Title I at LDS, effective Jan. 28.
Stephanie M. Long, approval for contracted services position as extended day tutor – Title I at LDS, effective Jan. 28.
John W. Smith, approval for employment as assistant baseball coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the WVSSAC Season.
Ted G. Sumner, approval for contracted services position as extended day tutor – Title I at LDS, effective Jan. 28.
Dawn L. West, approval for contracted services position as extended day coordinator – Title I at LDS, effective Jan. 28.
Jeremy D. Bucher, approval for employment as head baseball coach at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2013-2014 WVSSAC season. Non-certified.
Leave of Absence:
Approval of request from Denise M. Minger for an ‘unpaid maternity leave of absence’ from her position as pre-school special needs teacher at at PCES beginning upon depletion of her personal leave and permissive personal leave days, on or about Feb. 3 through approximately March 21.
The next regular board meeting will be Monday, Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m., at the county office.