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Fire Damages Paden City Home

By Staff | Jan 15, 2014

Paden City Fire Chief Jim Richmond said a Paden City home was damaged by fire Saturday morning.

Fortunately, the fire at the home of Anita Estel and her daughter, 208 South Third Ave., was pretty well contained to one room-the home’s utility room. “We’re still looking at it, but it looks like probably a ceiling fan caused it,” said Richmond.

All of the home’s occupants were able to safely exit the building; no one was injured.

The Paden City Volunteer Fire Company, New Martinsville Volunteer Fire Department, and Sistersville Volunteer Fire Department all responded to the blaze. “Not knowing what it was, we had all three respond,” noted Richmond of the neighboring departments with which Paden City has mutual aid agreements.

While home was not deemed a total loss, the family is still facing great need. Consequently Estel’s aunts, Sherry Hill and Anita Reynolds, are organizing a fund raising event to help meet their needs.

On Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. they will be selling soups, hot dogs, sloppy joes, and drinks in the Paden City High School multipurpose room. The food will be available for dine or carry out.

“On the outside, you can’t even tell there was a fire,” said Hill of the Estel home. But she said inside a lot is melted and unsalvageable.