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Clegg Sentenced For DUI

By Staff | Jan 15, 2014

Michael Paul Clegg, 35, of 440 Durham Street, Sistersville, appeared in Wetzel County Circuit Court Friday for sentencing by Judge David W. Hummel.

Clegg was found guilty by a jury trial on Dec. 11. He had been indicted by the May 2013 Grand Jury of a one count felony charge of third offense DUI. Clegg was represented by attorney Peter Kurelac.

When asked by Judge Hummel if he would like to address the court, Clegg responded that he was sorry for what he had done. He said he now realizes his family is more important and he has learned his lesson. He said he loves his job as a furnace operator at the Bens Run aluminum recycling plant, where he has been employed for six years. Kurelac then spoke on Clegg’s behalf, stating he has known him for around six years. He said, “Clegg has strong family values and works steady. He helps take care of his four-year-old child, when his girlfriend is working. He is paying child support for another child and is current. He is involved with his family and is a good father. I would like for him to get home confinement or probation.”

Representing the state, Prosecutor Tim Haught said Clegg has been convicted of two of the most frequent crimes in Wetzel County-two domestic violence crimes and three DUIs. He also has been incarcerated in both Wetzel and Tyler counties. “He has not taken responsibility for his actions,” said Haught. “He just put us through a trial. Nothing has gotten his attention before and I don’t believe it will best serve the public’s interest for him to be placed on alternate sentencing.

“The defendant did not get the message after two times,” continued Haught. “He made a ridiculous and ingenious statement about shotgunning two beers.”

At this point Kurelac objected to the statement and Judge Hummel told him Haught had a right to speak. Haught went on to say he recommends the court impose the one- to three-year sentence.

Kurelac again spoke, saying his client has accepted responsibility for his actions. He served 24 hours and he served six months on his second offense. “He also has lost his driving privilege for 10 years, that is taking responsibility,” said Kurelac.

Hummel told Clegg that driving drunk or buzzed driving are anti-society acts, as well as crimes. “It takes a sentence to keep these actions from happening again,” said Hummel. He then sentenced Clegg to not less than one nor more than three years in the West Virginia Penitentiary for Men. The sentence was then suspended and he was placed on home incarceration and four years supervised probation.

He is to receive two bracelets-one to monitor his presence and the other to monitor alcohol use. He must also attend at least two Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week and pay the cost of his prosecution. Hummel then ordered him to spend the weekend in jail, as further determent to stay out of trouble. Clegg was also warned by Hummel, “One more strike and you are out.” He was remanded to jail and to be released at 9 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 12.