Twins Born In Different Years

Pictured are twins Brad and Ed Long. “He got my ears slapped many times,” Brad light-heartedly states of his brother, Ed.
New Year’s is a special time of year for every person, but it’s an extra-special occasion for two Paden City men who celebrate their birthday on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
Ed and Brad Long, twins, will be celebrating their 90th birthday on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, respectively.
The twins have had 90 years worth of adventures together, and hence, plenty of stories to share.
Ed shared that both men went into the service in 1943; he stated they could not be in combat together, but they did “bomb Big B, (Berlin)” together.
Likewise, Ed stated that when the boys sent a photo of themselves in uniform back to their mother, she could not tell them apart. The brothers, who were among eight other kids in their family, also wore matching shirts as kids, with their initials stitched on the material as their mother could not tell them apart.
Ed added that the brothers returned home from the war on the Queen Elizabeth, the same ship on which Hollywood star Jimmy Stewart returned home.
Both brothers are fourth generation master carpenters and possess an album full of photos of the impressive work they have done, including crafting beds, cabinets, shelves, and exquisite end tables. Ed and Brad also refurbished the first governor’s mansion, located on Wheeling Island. Both brothers still make some wood crafts and own a propane business in Paden City. Ed’s wife, Monzell, along with daughter Cathi, have also beautifully decorated several crafts and wreaths. Ed and Monzell have one other child, Kenny, and have several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Brad is widowed, without children.
Ed, named after his father, states that he does most of the talking whereas Brad does most of the listening. Brad was named after his grandfather, a Civil War soldier who fought through Gettysburg and “helped take Richmond.”
The brothers laugh at the time a little girl exclaimed, “Mommy, I didn’t know they made old twins!”
And as for New Year’s plans? Brad says he will likely turn in for the night early, whereas Ed says he will stay up and watch the ball drop with his wife.