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Paden City Takes One Step Closer To Raise

By Staff | Nov 28, 2012

Paden City Mayor John “Hoppy” Hopkins presides over Monday’s council meeting.

Paden City Council passed the second reading of a proposed raise to sewer rates at a special meeting Nov. 26.

Tom Trader was the only council member to vote against the increase. A required public hearing and third reading must be held, but no date has been set.

If passed, the ordinance will go into effect Jan. 1 and raise sewer rates an estimated $2.50 per bill in order to cover expenses for the city’s sewer system. The meeting of the sewer board originally scheduled for Nov. 27 was canceled. A rescheduling of that meeting is currently in progress.

The council also passed a motion for the installation of antennae on the city building and other city properties.

“What it will do is blanket the whole city with wireless (internet),” explained Mayor John Hopkins. “You can connect with smart phones, laptops, whatever.”

People will be able to access the wireless network using a charge card.

“You can do it on a monthly basis,” said Hopkins. “It’s not a contract.”

Paden City Police Chief Mike Kelly brought to the council’s attention the possibility of striking a trade with the Wetzel County Sheriff’s Office. The Paden City Police Department would exchange a metal insert dog kennel they are currently not using in any of their cruisers for a four-wheel drive vehicle the WCSO is taking off the road.

“If it’s a good vehicle, it would be a good trade,” said Kelly, adding that the vehicle will be helpful during periods of bad weather. The potential exchange will be further discussed at the next meeting.

The council approved the purchase of two signs for the newly formed neighborhood watch. The signs cost approximately $30 each and will be placed at each end of town.

A budget revision to the police department was passed to allow the internal movement of funds for the purchase of supplies.

Other financial matters, such as Christmas bonuses and raises for the police department and maintenance, were tabled until the next meeting to allow council members to review the numbers.

In other news, a new waterline will be placed between Boston St. and Wetzel St., and the council concluded the first reading on changes to the City of Paden City Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, which will be administered by EZCare.