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Jacksonburg Area Residents Seek Water Service

By Staff | Oct 24, 2012

Jacksonburg area residents Jeff and Rhonda Hostuttler appeared before the Wetzel County Commission Tuesday morning with a petition from fellow area residents requesting city water in a 5.5 mile area from just outside Smithfield to Dallison Lumber in Jacksonburg.

This is not the first time a petition has been signed for this area, though it is the first time the Hostuttlers have approached the commission with a petition.

The Hostuttlers described the troubles that Jacksonburg-area residents have with well water, stating that much of the water contains salt and magnesium. “Everyone should have good water,” Rhonda Hostuttler stated.

President Donald Mason stated that Keith Nelsen, Project Manager of PSD 1, would have to figure out how many hookups were involved in such a project, stating that 13 hookups were required per mile to make it financially feasible.

Hostuttler said she believed there would be that many hookups, also adding, “(Nelsen said) we would have to write up a petition and present it to you.”

The commissioners urged the Hostuttlers to present their petition to the Public Service District 1 water board, stating they would personally speak with Nelsen. “We’ll try. . .” President Mason stated, adding, “I know what you are probably going through.”

“All we can do is try,” Hostuttler agreed. “When we pulled our well, that red stuff was thick on our pipes. We have a whole wall of (supplies) to take stuff out of water.”

In another matter, Eric Fecat of the Belomar Regional Council appeared before the commissioners to have them sign documents that help to finalize the Hundred/Littleton PSD water project. The commissioners signed the final pay requisition. Fecat also alerted them that JF Allen and Company was going to repave areas of Lemley Ridge where lines were cut.

Fecat also noted that $50,000 was left from the project and these monies would be used for perhaps upgrades on some fire hydrants as well as at the station and plant.