Board Supports Libraries
During the Wetzel County Board of Education meeting held Nov. 28 at the county office, Superintendent Diane Watt was pleased to present checks to the four public libraries in the county to show the board’s continued support to the local libraries.
On behalf of the board, Watt told those present that what they do is greatly appreciated. “We think that reading as a past-time and having access to information is the thing that makes a person most powerful,” Watt said of the wonderful service the libraries provide for the county’s citizens. Library board members Bernard Shackleford of the Hundred Public Library, Joanna Casto of the Paden City Public Library, Donna Goontz of the Pine Grove Public Library, and Janet Conn of the New Martinsville Public Library were each presented a check in the amount of $4,000 to go to their respective library.
Following discussion held in executive session, the board upheld the superintendent’s recommendation to suspend a Substitute Bus Operator from the Substitute Bus Operator List until the same individual has missed one opportunity to substitute, effective Nov. 29, for failure to abide by the West Virginia School Bus Transportation Policy and Procedures Manual regarding completing a required written report.
In other matters, the board approved the second reading of Wetzel County Policy JEAA: Compulsory School Attendance. They also approved the payment of bills for the month of October as well as transfers and increases to the budget as outlined in the treasurer’s report.
Lastly, the board established the following meeting dates for the month of December. These regular meetings, set for Dec. 5 and 19, will be held at 7 p.m. at the county office.