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County Passes EMS/Fire Levy

By Staff | Oct 5, 2011

Wetzel County voters have elected to pass the five-year EMS/fire levy that will provide additional funding to the Wetzel County Emergency Medical Service and 11 volunteer fire departments in the county.

According to election results, 2,362 individuals (70.40 percent) voted in favor of the levy, leaving 993 against, and 58 voters who opted not to vote on the issue. The levy required 60 percent in favor to pass. Notably 1,765 votes for the levy were cast on Election Day and 597 during early voting, while 750 voted against the levy on Election Day and 243 during the early voting period.

The levy is expected to generate approximately $500,000 per year. The Wetzel County Commission, based on need, decided $200,000 of that would go the WCEMS and $300,000 would go to the VFDs. From there distribution will be determined by the Wetzel County Emergency Ambulance Authority and individual fire department committees.

All spending must be according to state guidelines. The money will be distributed quarterly through the county commission and be audited.

Of course the election was also to decide the interim governor for West Virginia. Wetzel County voted for Democrat Earl Ray Tomblin over Republican Bill Maloney by a margin of 1,806 to 1,379, or 53.94 percent to 41.19 percent. Tomblin also carried the entire state’s vote in a rather close race.