Coach Resigns
The Wetzel County Board of Education approved several matters during their Oct. 3 meeting including the resignation of George M. Ray from his long-time position as Head Boys’ and Head Girls’ Basketball Coach at Hundred High School.
Ray was a prominent subject discussed during the board’s Sept. 19 meeting held at Long Drain School wherein the board was met unexpectedly with a large crowd of students and community members rallying in support of the former coach who was facing allegations of misconduct. When asked for details surrounding the alleged incident, Board President Mike Blair stated the matter was personnel related and could not be released. He did confirm the board did not ask or force Ray to resign, but rather his resignation was voluntary. Ray’s resignation becomes effective immediately.
The meeting Monday night was held at Paden City Elementary School, wherein PCES Principal Tammy D. Chambers, Paden City High School Principal Jason P. Salva, and their Local School Improvement Council Chairs presented the annual LSIC reports to the board. Those reports will be printed in upcoming editions of the Wetzel Chronicle.
In other matters, the board approved the second reading of Wetzel County Policies EDC: Authorized Use of School Property and School Owned Equipment and Material; and GCAOF-R: Evening Events Coordinator. Furthermore, they approved the deletion of Wetzel County Policy GDEA: Service Personnel Substitutes. When asked why the latter policy was deleted, it was explained a new policy was recently adopted, replacing the now deleted version. The treasurer’s report, which included transfers and increases to the budget, was also approved by the board.
Before adjourning Monday night’s meeting Superintendent Diane Watt shared exciting news regarding State Superintendent Dr. Jorea Marple’s announced legislative priorities. Items Marple and the state board plans to address with the legislature include increasing the funding for technological upgrades, eliminating the funding cap on Regional Education Service Agencies across the state, and requesting higher salaries for incoming teachers. To the latter objective Watt noted, “In this world, in order to entice people to the educational field, we need to get within a consistent, attractive salary.” The board members agreed with this mentality and further noted benefit packages should also be reconsidered for improvements.
The board will meet at 7 p.m. on the following dates and locations unless otherwise noted: Oct. 11, special meeting/work session at the county office at 6 p.m.; Oct. 17, regularly meeting at Short Line School; Nov. 7, regular meeting at New Martinsville School; and Nov. 21, regular meeting at the county office.
Lastly, the following retirements, resignations, changes in assignment, and employment of county educators and staff are detailed alphabetically by school. Positions take effect Oct. 5, unless otherwise noted.
Long Drain School
Beth A. Sigley’s request for resignation from her position as Eighth Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach at LDS, effective immediately, was accepted.
Magnolia High School
Jessica N. Ferrell was approved for employment as Spanish Teacher at MHS, pending West Virginia Certification.
Sandra K. Hinerman was approved for a contracted services position as Mentor Teacher-Mathematics at MHS.
Terry L. Sands’ request for resignation from the position as Head Wrestling Coach at MHS, effective immediately, was accepted.
New Martinsville School
Emily A. McGuire was approved for a contracted services position as Mentor Teacher-Special Education at NMS.
Paden City Elementary School
Cathy J. Amos was approved for a contracted services position as Mentor Teacher-Gifted Education at PCES.
Paden City High School
Jeanne L. Fox’s request for resignation from her position as Head Girls’ Basketball Coach at PCHS, effective immediately, was accepted.
Short Line School
Kimberly S. Edgell was approved for a contracted services position as Bus Duty Supervisor at SLS for the 2011-2012 school year.
Jennifer L. Eller was approved for a contracted services position as Bus Duty Supervisor at SLS for the 2011-2012 school year.
Abram S. Highley was approved for a contracted services position as LINKS Coordinator at SLS.
Cathrina J. Spencer was approved for a contracted services position as Co-SAT Coordinator at SLS.
Marsha L. Stackpole was approved for a contracted services position as Bus Duty Supervisor at SLS for the 2011-2012 school year.
Mollie A. Toppe was approved for a contracted services position as Bus Duty Supervisor at SLS for the 2011-2012 school year; and for a contracted services position as Co-SAT Coordinator at SLS.
Valley High School
Adam N. Lemon was approved for employment as Assistant Girls’ Softball Coach at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 WVSSAC Season.
Wetzel County Center for Children and Families
Bernice J. Hornbeck’s request to extend her unpaid medical leave of absence from her position as Countywide/Itinerant Supervisory Teacher Aide-Early Start (Special Education) based at the WCCCF, which began Aug. 17 through Sept. 20, to extend through Oct. 21, was accepted.
Rachell M. Harter’s request for resignation from her position as Countywide Substitute Teacher, effective immediately, was accepted.
Robert J. Nice was approved for change in assignment from Bus Operator-Silver Hill bus route, Bus No. 26 (655/D) to bus Operator-Traders Run/Stout Run/Fallen Timber/Arches Fork bus route, Bus No. 12 (655/D).
Jeremy M. Roush was approved for employment as Countywide School Psychologist based at the County Office, pending WV Certification.
Joshua P. Tustin was approved for change in classification from Assistant Mechanic (623/E), 261 day contract at the Bus Garage to Mechanic (625/F), 261 day contract at the Bus Garage.
Emily N. Ward was approved for employment as Countywide Substitute Teacher.