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Cozart Updates County Commission On Shelter

By Staff | Sep 28, 2011

During the Wetzel County Commission meeting held Sept. 20, Rosy Cozart of the Wetzel County Animal Shelter addressed various matters at the shelter.

Cozart noted there is presently raw sewage sitting near the shelter grounds, a problem which Vice President Bob Gorby stated was likely a problem with the leach field.

Cozart then told the commission more gravel was needed on the grounds, a matter which was addressed to the commission in July. Cozart stated an additional 20-ton load was needed. Gorby called Jim Klug about both issues and it was determined Klug would meet with Cozart Friday to unload gravel and take a look into the septic problem.

In a related matter, Cozart was happy to report animal waste receptacles should be set up by now on the 4-H grounds for the public’s use.

Meanwhile, Cozart is also busy finalizing plans for the upcoming annual Mutt Strut set for Oct. 22 at 11:30 a.m. at the 4-H grounds.

Relatedly, Cozart is also working on plans for this year’s auction fund raiser. She stated Dec. 10 is this year’s date, which is later than in past functions. Any businesses interested in donated new items for the auction are encouraged to contact Cozart at 304-455-5438.

Cozart also mentioned they are in the process of raising money for a new van to transport dogs to and from the vet. She noted Chesapeake Energy has donated $2,500 toward the cause.

Lastly, Cozart shared the July and August reports for the shelter with the commission.

The July report for the shelter is as follows. Dogs: euthanized, one; adopted, five; rescued, 13; returned to owner, three; taken in, 21; in approval/foster, three; present impounds, zero; and present quarantines, zero. Cats: euthanized, zero; adopted, two; rescued, 13; returned to owner, zero; taken in, 14; in approval/foster, zero; present impounds, zero; and present quarantines, zero.

The August report for the shelter is as follows. Dogs: euthanized, zero; adopted, two; rescued, 15; returned to owner, two; taken in, 22; in approval/foster, zero; present impounds, zero; and present quarantines, zero. Cats: euthanized, zero; adopted, three; rescued, nine; returned to owner, zero; taken in, seven; in approval/foster, one; present impounds, zero; and present quarantines, zero.