Board Approves Personnel Changes
The Wetzel County Board of Education approved several matters during their Sept. 6 meeting. The following retirements, resignations, changes in assignment, and employment of county educators and staff are detailed alphabetically by school. Positions take effect Sept. 7, unless otherwise noted.
Hundred High School
Jonathan C. Pollock was approved for a contracted services position as LINKS Coordinator at HHS.
Long Drain School
Bernice J. Hornbeck’s request was approved for an unpaid medical leave of absence from her position as Supervisory Teacher Aide-Kindergarten at LDS, Aug. 17 through Sept. 20.
Joyce D. Walker was approved as Service Personnel Administering Medications (504-F) at LDS for the 2011-2012 school year.
Magnolia High School
Pamela A. Chapman was approved for employment as Assistant Volleyball Coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 WVSSAC Season.
Jeanie L. Schupbach was approved as Bus Duty Supervisor (afternoons only) at MHS.
Lisa J. Sidenstricker (527-G), JoBeth Simmons (537-G), and Teresa J. Starcher (504-F) were approved as Service Personnel Administering Medications at MHS for the 2011-2012 school year.
New Martinsville School
Joe O. Flesher was approved for employment as Evening Custodian, 228-day contract (682/B) at NMS.
Kimberly S. Haught was approved for a change in assignment from Countywide/Itinerant Supervisory Teacher Aide, One-on-One (Special Education) (504/E) based at LDS to Supervisory Teacher Aide–Kindergarten (504/E) at NMS.
Stacy K. Hooper was approved for employment as Title I Reading Teacher at NMS.
Ryan T. Jones was approved for employment as Countywide/Itinerant MI/LD/BD with Autism Teacher based at NMS.
Thomas E. Tennant was approved for a change in assignment from Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide/Autism Mentor, One-on-One (Special Education) (519/G) based at NMS to Countywide/Itinerant Supervisory Teacher Aide/Autism Mentor (Special Education) (519/G) based at NMS, effective the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year provided the position exists at that time and he is eligible for the position.
Debra D. Throckmorton was approved as Service Personnel Administering Medications (519-H) at NMS for the 2011-2012 school year.
Short Line School
Tammy C. Dudgeon was approved for employment as seventh/eighth grade Cheerleader Coach at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 WVSSAC Season.
Jacqueline D. Jenkins was approved for employment as Athletic Director at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 WVSSAC Season.
Danielle M. Standiford was approved for a change in assignment from Countywide Early Start/Pre-School Special Needs Teacher based at SLS to Kindergarten Teacher at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year provided the position exists at that time and she is eligible for the position.
Sheila J. Tedrow was approved for an unpaid medical leave of absence from her position as half-time Custodian III at SLS, Aug. 19 through Sept. 17.
Valley High School
Lee Ann Hall was approved for employment as Vocational Agriculture Teacher at VHS.
Mary A. Kessinger was approved as Bus Duty Supervisor (afternoons only) at VHS.
Debra D. Kocher was approved for employment as Half-time Supervisory Teacher Aide (11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at VHS. She will retain her Half-time Supervisory Teacher Aide position (7:30-11 a.m.) at VHS.
Wetzel County Center for Children and Families
Cora E. Bowers was approved as Service Personnel Administering Medications (504-F) at WCCCF for the 2011-2012 school year.
Kelli E. Goddard was approved for employment as Countywide/Itinerant Supervisory Teacher Aide, Early Start (Special Education) (502/C), based at WCCCF.
Bernice J. Hornbeck was approved for a change in assignment from Supervisory Teacher Aide, Kindergarten (503/C), at LDS to Countywide/Itinerant Supervisory Teacher Aide, Early Start (Special Education) (503/D), based at WCCCF.
Melissa K. Starkey was approved for a change in assignment from Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide, One-on-One (Special Education) (504/E), based at LDS to Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide, Early Start (Special Education) (504/E), based at WCCCF.
John M. Boswell was approved for employment as Bus Operator, Proctor/Grandview/North Paden City/WCCCF bus route, Bus No. 35.
Douglas A. Bucher was approved to extend his unpaid medical leave of absence from his position as Bus Operator through Dec. 1. Bucher’s unpaid medical leave began Aug. 17 and was originally set to carry through only to Sept. 30.
Miranda N. Haught’s request for resignation from her position as Countywide School Psychologist was approved.
Kayla J. Lemley, Michael S. Pierce, and Lindsey K. Preece were approved for employment as Countywide Substitute Teachers.
Robert J. Nice was approved for employment as Bus Operator, Silver Hill bus route, Bus No. 26.
George G. Wilson’s request for resignation from his position as Countywide Substitute Teacher was approved, effective immediately. Beverly A. Zwolensky was approved for employment as Family and Consumer Science Teacher at MHS, Paden City High School, and VHS.