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Coming Events

By Staff | Aug 31, 2011

Since our Web site’s calendar function is still missing while our Web designers are making some server changes, we thought we would post the coming events from this week’s newspaper as a story:

Right To Life Meeting

The Wetzel & Tyler Right to Life Group meets at 5:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month (Sept. 1) at Azteca Mexican Restaurant in the New Martinsville Plaza, Steelton, New Martinsville. To learn more about the issues, go to www.AmericanRTL.org or call 304-455-6137 to contact the Wetzel & Tyler Right to Life Group.

Music In The Park

The Paden City Park and Pool Commission continues their 2011 Music In The Park series. Music is performed each Thursday at 7 p.m. On Sept. 1, Campfire Band will perform at William E. Ford Park in Paden City.

Sponsored by Paden City Park and Pool, all concerts are free and open to the public.

RHS 1976 Reunion

The River High School Class of 1976’s 35-year reunion will be held at the Lewis Wetzel Family Center in New Martinsville on Sept. 2; $35 per person; BYOB. Registration and social hour, 6 p.m.; dinner, 7 p.m.; dancing, after dinner. RSVP to Vickie (Tippie) Jones, Box 276, Hannibal, OH 43931. For more information call Kelly (Prystasz) McIntire, 740-472-1990.

Bluegrass Music Jam

A Bluegrass Music Jam will be held Sept. 3 at River’s Edge Activity Center, located on Ohio State Route 7, one-and-a-half miles north of Fly and four-and-a-half miles south of Sardis. Dinners available at 4:30 p.m., music starts at 5:30 p.m. All bluegrass, old-time country music bands, and public welcome. For more information, 740-213-3285 or 740-865-2288.

Car Wash And Bake Sale

The Magnolia High School Blue Eagle Marching Band’s Color Guard is sponsoring a car wash/bake sale on Sept. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of Tim Haught’s Law Office, on Route 2 across from Wayside Furniture in New Martinsville. They are raising money to help with expenses for new uniforms and equipment.

Moose Activities

New Martinsville Moose Lodge announces member activities: Sept. 4, tailgate party before WVU-Marshall football game; and Sept. 6, regular Moose meeting at 8 p.m. Again this year there will be food after all Magnolia home games. There are still seats left on the WVU-Conn bus trip. All members: sign up two new members, get two years free dues.

Gospel Meeting

Gospel meeting will be held Sept. 4-7 at Bridge Street Church of Christ, across from Walmart, 1139 South Bridge Street, New Martinsville. Guest speaker: Trevor Major, Columbus, Ohio. Sunday: Bible Class, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship, 10:30 a.m.; evening worship, 6:30 p.m. Monday-Wednesday: 7 p.m. For more information/transportation call 304-455-2130. Visit www.bridgestreetcofc.org.

Labor Day Parade

The annual Paden City Labor Day Parade will be held on Sept. 5 beginning at 1 p.m. Anyone interested in being in the parade, call 304-337-9080 or 304-337-9370.

Legion Meeting

American Legion Post 81, Pine Grove, holds a Legionnaire’s meeting on the first Tuesday of each month (Sept. 6) at 8 p.m.

EMS Meetings

Public meetings about the Oct. 4 ambulance and fire service funding vote will be held at 7 p.m. on the following dates and locations: Sept 6, Valley High School; Sept 8, Hundred High School; Sept 13, Grandview Fire Department; Sept 15, Silver Hill Fire Department; Sept 20, Mollohan Center, Wetzel County 4-H grounds; Sept 22, Paden City High School.

Auxiliary Meeting

American Legion Auxiliary Marne Unit #28 will be having their monthly meetings the first Wednesday of each month at Chase N Dreams, 144 North St. New Martinsville. 

The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 7 at 6:30 p.m. All members of Unit 28 are asked to attend.

Business Seminar

On Sept. 8 Michael Shuman, a nationally recognized economist, attorney, and author, will be at the Lincoln Theater in New Martinsville at 6 p.m. to present Small-Mart–information on how businesses, investors, government, and organizations can revitalize the community.

Tickets are $25. To get your ticket call the Wetzel County Chamber of Commerce office at 304-455-3825.

Rib Roast, Sausage, And Hot Dog Sale

The Hundred Volunteer Fire Department will be holding a Rib Roast, Hot/Sweet Sausage Sandwich, and Hot Dog Sale on Sept. 10 at the fire department from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. Prices are as follows: $18 for a rack of ribs; $10 for a half-rack of ribs, and $4 for the sandwiches.

VHS 2001 Reunion

The Valley High School class of 2001 will be having their 10-year reunion at the Short Line School Cafeteria, Sept. 10 at noon. Please bring a book per family to donate to the Short Line School Library in the range of Kindergarten through second grade. The lunch will be covered dish.

Any questions contact Sarah Kinczel (Bucher), 304-386-4366.

Cross-Rine Reunion

The Cross-Rine Reunion will be held Sept. 10, 1 p.m., at Fluharty Run Park, beside the Minnie Church of God. Come enjoy the day with family and friends. For more information call 304-386-4413 or blancast@frontier.com.

Calvert Simmons Reunion

The Calvert Simmons reunion will be held Sept. 10 at the Silver Hill Fire Department hall located approximately 17 miles from New Martinsville on Rt. 89, Doolin Rt. 

Bring your favorite covered dish, an item for the auction, and any old tales or pictures you would like to share. Come and enjoy the day.

Prayer Breakfast

The monthly meeting of the prayer breakfast: “Christians Sharing God’s Word” will be at the Court Restaurant in the middle room on the second Saturday of every month (Sept. 10), 9-11 a.m. The meeting is nondenominational.

Everyone welcome. For more information call 304-889-3555.

Chicken Roast

American Legion Post 760, Bares Run, Hannibal, will hold a chicken roast from 4 p.m. until gone Sept. 10. On the menu are chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, homemade noodles, rolls, and dessert. A variety of refreshments also will be available. Eat in or carry out. For more information, call Post 760 at 740-483-1445.

Cook Reunion

It’s round-up time for the Cook families! Bring your genealogy, catch up on family news at 10:30 a.m., Sept. 10, at Quinet’s Court Restaurant, New Martinsville. Lunch following the business meeting. Bring a white elephant gift, put a price on it–funds used for the upkeep of Cook Cemetery.

RSVP by Sept. 1 to Jan Nickols, 727-446-9337.

Yoho Reunion

The annual Yoho reunion will be held at The Ole Homeplace, Silver Hill, on Sept. 10. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Please bring a covered dish. Ham, chicken, drinks, and utensils will be provided. Please remember to bring an item for the auction.

All family and friends are cordially invited.

Basket Bingo

Basket Bingo will be held Sept. 11 at Klug Hall, St. Vincent De Paul Church, New Martinsville. Doors open, 1 p.m.; early bird, 1:30 p.m.; regular Bingo, 2 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Amanda Jo Ice Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bingo prizes are Longaberger baskets and Vera Bradley purses/totes. For more information call 304-266-7960.

Ritchea Reunion

The Ritchea Family Reunion will be held Sept. 11 at the PPG Shelter, beginning with lunch at 12:30 p.m. Meat, pizza, table service, tea, and coffee will be provided. Please bring a covered dish and a gift for an auction to enjoy the day with friends and family.

Memorial Service

A parade and memorial service for Sept. 11, 2001, will be held Sept. 11 in Sistersville.

The parade will be held at 2 p.m. Line-up for the will begin at 12:45 p.m. on Riverside Drive, followed by the memorial service at Sistersville City Park. Organizations interested in participating should contact Rev. Bill Dawson at 304-652-2794 or 304-771-5161.

Big House

The New Martinsville United Methodist Church hosts The Big House for grades one through six, beginning Sept. 11. Critter Land is for children ages four and five and all other “little ones”, up to age three, are provided care in the nursery. All services for children are from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Sunday. For more information call 304-455-1422.

Worship Time Change

The time of worship service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will change on Sept. 11. Worship service will begin at 11 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday. Good Shepherd is located at 296 North State Route 2, New Martinsville. For more information contact the church at 304-455-3443. Rev. Sean P. Smith is the pastor. Everyone is welcome.

Auxiliary Meeting

The American Legion Auxiliary meets in the Legion Hall of the Earl Kiger Unit 120 in Hundred every second Monday (Sept. 12) at 7 p.m.

Legion Meeting

Paden City American Legion Post 86 will hold its regular meeting on Sept. 12 at Mater Dolorosa Church social room at 7 p.m. Plans for the coming year will be finalized. All members are urged to attend.

Auxiliary Meeting

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 81, Pine Grove, meets the second Tuesday (Sept. 13) of each month at 7 p.m.

Fish/Oyster Dinner

The Sportsmen’s Club in Pine Grove will sponsor a fish and oyster dinner on the second Tuesday of every month (Sept. 13). Carry outs are available beginning at 4:30 p.m., with dinner at 6 p.m. All welcome.

Story Time

Story Time at the Hundred Public Library will begin Sept. 14. Join Miss Amy every Wednesday, 11 a.m. to noon, with stories, crafts, games, songs, a snack, and some surprises. Please call to let us know you are interested at 304-775-5161.

Senior Dinner

The next scheduled covered dish at the Wetzel County Senior Center will be Sept. 15. The center is located at 145 Paducah Drive, New Martinsville. They are also planning a scheduled boat ride on the Gateway Clipper out of Pittsburgh, Pa., on Oct. 14. For more information call 304-455-3220.

Free Food

The First Baptist Church, located at 600 South Fourth Avenue, Paden City, will provide a free box of food to families in need on the third Thursday of each month (Sept. 15) from 10 am. to noon. For more information call the church at 304-337-9320.

Senior Dinner

The next scheduled covered dish at the Wetzel County Senior Center will be Sept. 15. The center is located at 145 Paducah Drive, New Martinsville. They are also planning a scheduled boat ride on the Gateway Clipper out of Pittsburgh, Pa., on Oct. 14. For more information call 304-455-3220.

Free Meals

The New Martinsville Church of God provides free meals to the community from 2-4 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month (Sept. 15) in the fellowship hall of the church.

Carry outs are available. All that is required for carry out is a name, address, and phone number of the person receiving the carry out meal.

Free Clothing

The New Martinsville Church of God provides free clothing (new and used) to families from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month. For more information, call the church at 304-455-2120.

Necessities Barn

The Necessities Barn at the First Church of God (near Wal-Mart), 255 Russell Ave., New Martinsville, will be giving free items such as soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and laundry detergent on the third Saturday of every month (Sept. 17) from 10 a.m. to noon.

Cemetery Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Simpson Chapel Cemetery Trustees at 10 a.m. on Sept. 17 at the home of Donald and Diane Harris, one mile past the cemetery; signs will be posted. The public is invited to addend and express any concerns you may have regarding the cemetery. For more information call Diane Harris at 304-386-4313.

Graysville School Reunion

Graysville School, Fish Creek, is having their reunion Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with lunch at 12:30 p.m. Anyone who attended or worked there is welcome.

It’s a covered dish with meat and beverage furnished. Please bring any old pictures.

Cancer Support Group

Cancer survivors, cancer patients, care givers, or family members are invited to attend a Cancer Support Group meeting which will be held Sept. 20 at 1 p.m. at the New Martinsville United Methodist Church, 10 Howard Jeffers Dr. Call 304-455-2748 or the church at 304-455-1422 with any question.

Farm Science Trip

The Upper Ohio Conservation District (UOCD) Board of Supervisors is sponsoring a charter bus to the Ohio Farm Science Review near London, Ohio, on Sept. 22.

The cost is $35 per bus seat which includes a ticket into the review. Make reservations by contacting the UOCD office at 304-758-2512 or e-mail lcochran@wvca.us or cwhite@wvca.us.

Golf Scramble

The Sistersville General Hospital Foundation Benefit Golf Scramble will be held at the Sistersville Country Club Sept. 22 with registration at 9 a.m. and a shotgun start at 10 a.m.

Entry fee is $100 for a single golfer or $400 for a team; carts included in entry fee.

There will be skill prizes. Lunch will be provided.

Band Calendars On Sale

The New Martinsville Band Patrons Community Band Calendars are now on sale. Price is $10 with four free listings, pocket calendars are $8 each, or get one of each calendar for $16. Cash or checks made payable to the NMBP are accepted.

To place an order call 304-771-4879 or 304-455-2499 or check with any band member. Orders due Sept. 23.

Hundred/Littleton Alumni Events

The 50th anniversary of the Hundred/Littleton High School Alumni Association will be Oct. 1. There will be a noontime luncheon for 1940s classes only at Harmony Baptist Church. Pot luck dinner at Long Drain School, 6 p.m. Luncheon reservations by Sept. 23 to: Miss Ethel Riddle, 200 Leonard Street, Apt. 202, Marysville, PA 17053; or call 717-957-4711.

SAL Meeting

Sons of the American Legion Squadron 81, Pine Grove, meets the last Wednesday of each month (Sept. 28) at 8 p.m.

Riders Meeting

American Legion Rider’s Chapter 81 holds regular meetings at 8 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month (Sept. 29).

Walk For Women

The 11th annual Walk For Women will be Sept. 29 on the East-West Rails-to-Trail in Hundred. Registration, 5:30 p.m.; walk, 6 p.m. Meet at the State Police parking lot. All money is used to provide breast and cervical diagnostic and treatment services for West Virginia women. For more information call Pat Huston, 304-775-5902, or Barbara Brasher, 304-775-5680.

Hundred/Littleton Alumni

The 50th anniversary of the Hundred/Littleton High School Alumni Association will be held Oct. 1. Noontime luncheon at Harmony Baptist Church, pot luck dinner at Long Drain School, 6 p.m. Luncheon reservations sent by Sept. 23 to: Miss Ethel Riddle, 200 Leonard Street, Apt. 202, Marysville, PA 17053, or call 717-957-4711. For overnight accommodations contact Miss Blue’s Restaurant, 304-775-2233.

 Building Reservations

To reserve the Memorial Building, Main Street, New Martinsville, for a sale, call Sue at 304-455-5120, Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m.

Violence Prevention

The YWCA Family Violence Prevention Program offers services the second Tuesday of each month, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., on the second floor of the Union Bank building in Hundred, and the third Tuesday of every month, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., in the downstairs of the Byrd Center. For more information contact Aimee at 304-455-6400.

Food Pantry

Helping Hand Food Pantry, 179 North St., rear, New Martinsville, is open each Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Canned, boxed, and frozen food will be offered to Wetzel County’s needy. Donations may be dropped of at the food pantry on Thursdays or at the New Martinsville United Methodist Church. For further details call 304-455-2058.

Support Group

A depression and bipolar support group (Wheeling) meets on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. at Wheeling Jesuit University, Whelan Hall. For additional information call 304-242-1830 or e-mail dbsaohiovalley@comcast.net.

NMPL Storytime

Storytime for preschoolers is held at the New Martinsville Public Library each Tuesday for stories, music, games, and fun with storytime teacher Melinda Graham. For more information call 304-455-4545.

When Wetzel County Schools are not in session, there is no storytime. 


Bingo is played every Monday evening at American Legion Post #81 in Pine Grove. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. in the dining hall.

Step Aerobics Class

The New Martinsville Parks and Recreation Department is offering a step aerobics class by Rita Berardinelli at the Lewis Wetzel Family Center, 5-6 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Cost is $30 per month.

To sign up or for more information call the parks office at 455-9130.

Choir Practice

Volunteers can join the Hundred Community Choir to entertain in care-giving facilities, such as senior centers, hospitals, schools, military, etc.

Choir practice for Hundred Community Choir is at Rush Run Methodist Church, Hundred, from 5-6 p.m. each Monday evening.

Join to lift up your hearts to sing and to bring joy to everyone’s heart as well as your own.

Nar-Anon Meetings

Nar-Anon meetings are being held every Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the New Martinsville United Methodist Church behind Po Boy in New Martinsville. Nar-Anon is a support group for families dealing with drug and alcohol addiction. It is totally anonymous. For more information call Arlene at 304-455-4095.

Medicare Help

The Wetzel County SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) counselor is at the New Martinsville Senior Center every Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call the center at (304) 455-3220 to schedule an appointment in New Martinsville or (304) 775-2542 in Hundred. Donations are appreciated for this free service.

Soup Kitchen

Open Door Ministries, Inc., a community supported hot meal program, provides meals on Tuesdays from 1-3 p.m. for delivery, takeout, or eat in. Also on Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. breakfast is served for those who wish to eat in. Free to the hungry; everyone welcome. It is located at Crossroads Nazarene Church on Main Street, New Martinsville.

Items Needed

The New Martinsville Office of Catholic Charities West Virginia is in great need of food, hygiene, and cleaning items. Anyone who would like to contribute, your donations are much appreciated. For more information call Alberta at 304-455-9740.

Drug Abuse Quitline

The West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline offers free, confidential counseling. Call 1-866-WV- QUITT (1-866-987-8488).

Veteran Services

The Wheeling Vet Center provides services in Wetzel County every Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Senior Center on Paducah Drive. For more information, call Jeremy Harrison, social worker, at the Wheeling office at 304-232-0587 or at the Senior Center on Thursdays at 304-455-3220. Walk-ins are welcome.

New Martinsville City Council Meetings

The New Martinsville City Council meets on the first Monday of every month (Sept. 5) in the council chambers. A department head meeting, open to the public, is held at 7 p.m. and council meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.