School Board Approves Policy Waivers, Agreements
The following routine matters were approved by the Wetzel County Board of Education during their meeting held Aug. 1.
They include lease/grant agreements, waivers to county policies, requests for students’ release from/attendance to Wetzel County Schools, and other standard items.
The following lease agreements were approved: The Athletic Field leased from the Town of Hundred beginning July 13, 2011, and expiring June 15, 2012, for $8,300; property on state Route 7 leased from the Huskie Lumber Company (for parking buses in the Hundred area) beginning Oct. 16, 2011, through Oct. 15, 2012, for $2,400; the Paden City Middle School facility leased from the Paden City Development Authority beginning Sept. 1, 2011, through Aug. 31, 2012, for the hourly rate of $20 with a maximum of 200 hours, for $4,000; land leased to the Wetzel County EMT Squad and Short Line area, beginning July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, for $1 per year.
The board also approved for Wetzel County Schools to enter into a grant agreement between VH1 Save The Music Foundation and New Martinsville School.
The board furthermore approved the agreement between Wetzel County Schools and the Wetzel/Tyler Health Department for the purpose of providing needed dental services to students.
Regarding Wetzel County Policy GCBAB-R, the following waivers were approved:
The waiver to include seventh and eighth grade girls’ volleyball coaches, wrestling and assistant wrestling coaches, and assistant football coach positions at New Martinsville School for the 2011-2012 school year at no expense to the county or school was approved. These positions will be funded entirely by the boosters and/or parents of students at NMS.
The waiver to include seventh and eighth grade girls’ volleyball coaches at Paden City High School for the 2011-2012 school year at no cost to the board or school was also granted. Similarly, funding will be provided by the Paden City Wildcat Boosters organization.
In the same posture as those above, the waiver to include an assistant wrestling coach position at Magnolia High School for the 2011-2012 school year was approved. This position will be funded entirely by the wrestling team parents’ fund raisers.
As with the others, the waiver to the same policy to permit the establishment of a seventh and eighth grade football team and girls’ volleyball team at Short Line School, beginning with the 2011-2012 school year was approved. These start-up programs will be funded through the $12,000 McGuane Foundation grant. Under the stated county policy, the board will fund the head seventh/eighth grade football coach and athletic trainer positions, however the assistant football coach and seventh/eighth grade girls’ volleyball head and assistant coach positions will be funded through the SLS Athletic Boosters organization.
The following are requests for student releases from Wetzel County Schools for the 2011-2012 school year:
Elizabeth Al-Janaby’s request for her children, Saleh Gabriel Al-Janaby and Zayd Ishmael Al-Janaby, to be released from Paden City Elementary School to continue attending Tyler County Schools was approved. This same request was granted to Allyson Lough for her daughter, Eudora Lough.
John V. and Karen E. Hoyes’ request for their daughter, Katie Anne Hoyes, to be released from Paden City High School to continue attending Tyler County Schools was approved. This same request was granted to Clinton and Jennifer Lantz for their son, Nathan Lantz.
The request from Robert and Toni VanCamp for their son, Austin VanCamp, to be released from New Martinsville School to continue attending Tyler County Schools was also approved.
The following are requests for students to attend Wetzel County Schools for the 2011-2012 school year:
The request from Chad and Rachel Chaplin for their son, Alec Cole Chaplin, to continue attending Paden City Elementary School was granted.
James Efaw’s request for his son, Isaac Efaw, to attend Hundred High School was granted, pending release from Marion County Schools.
The request from Terry and Julie Gump for their children, Abigail, Levi, and Lincoln Gump, to continue attending Magnolia High School/New Martinsville School was approved, pending release from Tyler County Schools.
Julie McCartney’s request for her son, Logan McCartney, to attend Long Drain School was granted, pending release from Marion County Schools.
The request from Tausha and Chris Previtera for their son, Andrew M. Previtera, to continue attending New Martinsville School was approved. The same request was granted to Shey and Emily McGuire for their daughter, Aven McGuire, pending release from Marshall County Schools.
In other matters, the board approved the first reading of Wetzel County Policy GBAB: Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment/Violence/Bullying Policy; and Wetzel County Policy JFC: Student Code of Conduct.
Lastly, the board approved the treasurer for payment of bills for the month of June 2011.