We Resemble That
It’s reunion season, as evidenced by the many coming events on page 3A beckoning family members to bring a covered dish and a chair to a local park and join in a day of fun, reminiscing, and laughter.
It is also evident on page 1A as the Wileyville Homecoming will be held Saturday. People with ties to that town, or those who just want to enjoy a great day, will gather for the annual event.
The photos of this past weekend’s events that grace several pages of this week’s paper also speak to the power of family and friends joining together.
It was been said as a mean joke that “It’s all relative in West Virginia”. While we know that phrase is supposed to suggest something horrible, we like to think of it in a positive light. Yeah, it is all relative in West Virginia . . . we’re one big family. That means we enjoy each other’s company, help each other out, and have big ol’ family reunions in the summer–or whenever your family may feel the urge to get together.
We’re proud of our togetherness in West Virginia. We love our ancestry. We support each other. Say that phrase as an insult if you want, but we say, with an innocent twinkle in our eyes, “We resemble that statement!”