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Board Recognizes Two Outstanding FFA Students

By Staff | Jun 29, 2011

Superintendent Bill Jones acknowledges Annaliese Henderson of the Valley High School FFA for being named a Star State Farmer. (Photos by Miranda Stokes)

The Wetzel County Board of Education recently recognized two FFA students for their accomplishments during board meetings held in June. During the June 20 meeting the board recognized Raymond Lee Yoho II, a member of the Hundred High School FFA, for winning the State Agri Business Award. HHS FFA Advisor Virgil Wilkins added that Yoho is also selected as a Star Agri Businessman.

At the board meeting held June 6 Annaliese Henderson, a rising senior at Valley High School, was acknowledged for her recent title as Star State Farmer for her efforts as a member of VHS’s FFA program. Notably, Henderson is the only student in the state to receive this award this year.

The board presented each student with a certificate of achievement and expressed their high praises for their work and dedication.

Yoho and Henderson will receive their awards at the Cedar Lakes Conference Center and West Virginia State FFA Camp in Ripley in July.


At center is Raymond Lee Yoho II, a member of the Hundred High School FFA, who won the State Agri Business Award. He is flanked by HHS?FFA?Advisor Virgil Wilkins, left, and Superintendent Bill Jones.

During the June 6 Wetzel County Board of Education meeting, the board approved the following matters:

Rae Nadine Coen was approved for retirement from the position as teacher at Valley High School, effective at the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

Melinda Jyl Kinkade was also approved for retirement from her position as secretary at Short Line School, effective at the end of the day on June 30, 2011.

The board accepted the following resignations:

John N. Jennings from the position as Academic Coach at Hundred High School, effective May 24, 2011; David T. Pudder from the position as Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics Teacher at Hundred High School, effective at the end of the 2010-2011 school year; Myron J. Seese II from the position as Athletic Director at Hundred High School, effective June 30, 2011; and Meredith L. Tusic from the position as Assistant Volleyball Coach at Magnolia High School, effective immediately.

In other matters, Kimberly A. Sobataka was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Preschool Special Needs Teacher, and Carol A. Zombotti was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Speech and Language Pathologist, both based at the Wetzel County Center for Children and Families, effective June 13, 2011.

Mary B. Crawford was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Speech and Language Pathologist, Amy J. Littell was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide MI/LD/BD with Autism Teacher, and Pamela J. Shockley and Thomas E. Tennant were approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide/Autism Mentor, all based at New Martinsville School, effective June 13, 2011.

Gregory Hostutler (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as seventh grade Boys’ Basketball Coach at Long Drain School and as Assistant Football Coach at Hundred High School, and Terry D. Metz (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as seventh grade Girls’ Basketball Coach at LDS, both effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season; Paul C. Huston II was approved for employment as eighth grade Boys’ Basketball Coach at LDS, and Beth A. Sigley was approved for employment as eighth grade Girls’ Basketball Coach at LDS, both effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season;

Sharon E. Snider was approved for change in assignment from the Reduction-In-Force/ Preferred Recall List to Second Grade Teacher at Long Drain School, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year; and Denise A. Huggins was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide MI/LD/BD Teacher based at LDS, effective June 13, 2011.

Christine M. Mace was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide MI/LD/BD with Autism Teacher based at Paden City Elementary School, effective June 13, 2011.

Alan J. Miller was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide/Autism Mentor; and JoDell S. Ritchea was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide, both based at Magnolia High School, effective June 13, 2011.

Vicki L. Natali was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide MI Teacher based at MHS, effective June 13, 2011; and Matthew J. Quinet (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as Head Boys’ Track Coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season.

Lance L. Binegar was approved for employment as Head Girls’ Basketball Coach at Valley High School, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season; and Whitney N. Healy was approved for change in assignment from half-time English Teacher at MHS to half-time English Teacher at VHS, effective Aug. 17, 2011.

Jeremy B. Kelch was approved for employment as Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach, and George M. Ray (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as Head Boys’ Basketball Coach and as Head Girls’ Basketball Coach, both at Hundred High School, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season.

Joe A. Anderson (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as Assistant Football Coach, Jeannie L. Fox was approved for employment as Head Girls’ Basketball Coach, Kimberly J. Hizer (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as seventh/eighth grade Cheerleader Coach, and Robert G. Postlethwait (Non-Certified) was approved for employment as Assistant Football Coach, all at Paden City High School, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 “WVSSAC” Season.

Meredith B. Reed was approved for employment as Countywide (Itinerant) Speech and Language Pathologist, effective at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, pending receipt of certification; and Kimberly L. Underwood was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Supervisory Teacher Aide-Transportation, effective June 13, 2011.

Steven M. Wayts was approved for contracted services position as Extended Year Program Countywide Bus Operator, effective June 13, 2011; and Mark C. Fawcett and Mary L. Toth were approved for contracted services position as Countywide Chief GED Examiner and Countywide Assistant GED Examiner, respectively, effective the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year.

Effective July 5, Ralph V. Gainer II, Andrew R. Tefft, Harold A. Trader, and Andrew L. Wyatt are approved for contracted summer positions as Countywide Handymen.

Jill C. Householder, an Educational Interpreter Aide at PCES/WCCCF, was approved for a “maternity leave of absence” beginning Aug. 17 through Oct. 10 during the 2011-2012 school year; and Vickey L. Titus, a Cook at PCES, was approved for an “unpaid medical leave of absence” beginning May 10 through June 10.

Laura A. Barcus was rescinded from Sixth Grade Teacher at PCES to Kindergarten Teacher at NMS.

The board also approved a request from Ryan and Jacqueline Layman for their children, Kalli Layman and Joseph Layman, to continue attending NMS for the 2011-2012 school year; as well as a request from Rachel and Chad Chaplin for their son, Zac Chaplin, to attend WCCCF for the 2011-2012 school year, pending release from Tyler County Schools; and a request from James and Carol Zombotti for their children, Lucas and Samuel Zombotti, to continue attending NMS for the 2011-2012 school year; and lastly a request from Kimberly and Bernie Klug for their children, Allison and Lydia Klug, to continue attending NMS for the 2011-2012 school year.

Joshua Weekley was approved to take Bryan Sell, Spencer Mason, Daniel Brewer, Hunter Liggett, and Brady Nolan–members of the VHS Technology Student Association–to compete at the TSA National Competition in Dallas, Texas, June 20-26. This trip was funded through various fund raisers, donations, and attendee contributions. Also, Shane Highley’s request to take a team of teachers from SLS to Nashville, Tenn., June 26-29, for the Daggert Model Schools Conference was approved. The attending teachers were: Shane Highley, Jackie Jenkins, Leslie Lively, Cindy McSweeney, Pam Christy, and Jennifer Ellers. Funding was provided through Title I.

Tina A. Cowger’s request for two school buses and bus operators to take the Marion County 4-H Campers (between 100-130) from the Wetzel County 4-H Campgrounds to the Lewis Wetzel Pool on June 28, and return to the Wetzel County 4-H Campgrounds was approved. The trip was funded through the Marion County 4-H Leaders Association.

The board approved Beth Ann Shreve’s request for her son, Evan Bryce Shreve, to be released from PCHS to continue attending Tyler County Schools for the 2011-2012 school year.

The board also approved the revision of their five-year HVAC Preventative Maintenance Contract with H.E. Neumann Company in Wheeling, “Guaranteed Lifetime Program.”

Lastly, the board approved the Treasurer’s Report which included transfers and increases in the budget.