Brake Loss Leads To Crash
A large truck hauling a heavy motor lost its brakes coming down Brock Ridge toward state Route 7 on March 4 around 5 p.m. The Trak Tech truck contracted by Chesapeake Energy took out a large section of guard rail and slowed to a stop on the property belonging to Chris and Jennifer Keller. No one was injured.
The New Martinsville Police Department Chief Tim Cecil arrived on the scene, as well as the Wileyville Volunteer Fire Department. Also present was a Trak Tech representative.
Thankfully, the police said the wet, muddy ground played a major factor in the truck not hitting the Keller’s home.
In an additional inconvenience to the Kellers, they were planning a birthday party for their daughter that very evening. It was rescheduled for another date.
Incidentally, a smaller truck had a minor accident on March 6 in the afternoon wherein the vehicle ended up in the same property. There were no injuries in that accident, either. (Photo provided)
Correction: The incident was investigated by Wetzel County?Sheriff’s Deputy Randy Adams and Corporal Mike Koontz. New Martinsville Police Chief Tim Cecil was not there in any official law enforcement capacity.