From Denver McMullen
On Nov. 7, 2009, at a late hour in the U.S. House of Representatives an Iron yoke of oppression was forged, waiting to be placed about the necks of the American People! Should this repulsive and deviously constructed so-called “Health Bill” become the law of the land, that yoke will then be firmly locked around our necks! How is it then, that after 250 years of freedom from that cruel device, a large percentage of our people seem willing to accept it again? How can it be otherwise?
While roughly 20 percent of our people are desperately trying to preserve our freedom, the remainder remain silent and non-committed?
This ratio was roughly the same during our first American revolution. While the fore mentioned 20 percent fought to free themselves from tyranny and form a free and independent nation, the remainder were content to remain subject to the Crown and accept the largess and limited freedom the King handed out! Sound familiar?
To a great degree this is true today. Far too many of our citizens are all too willing to accept the crumbs from the administration’s table and the loss of liberty that comes with the crumbs. Our struggle to remain free today requires all of us! The 20 percent who recognize the danger and are trying to stem the tide of rising socialism and the tyranny that comes with it may not be enough.
You may ask, “What can I do? I am just one person.” Remember it only took one person to have prayer removed from our schools! So for good or evil, one person can make a difference! Since Jan. 20 of this year, I know of one man who has changed all of our lives!
Please do something-if nothing more than talk to your neighbors and friends about our very dangerous situation! You just might-for a change-find yourself getting involved in ways to protect our rapidly vanishing freedom!
We would do well to remember that in a free society, complacency is not a crime, but under a tyrant, it is not tolerated! Should, on some sad day, the cruel chains of bondage be wrapped about us, what will the one who thought little of such matters as freedom and liberty expect to see in the eyes of the one who cared chained next to him? Pity? Maybe. Compassion? I think not!
Denver McMullen