Santa Will Make Rounds In City
Santa Claus will once again be getting some help from the New Martinsville Volunteer Fire Department in visiting children in New Martinsville.
The following is an informational guide for where Santa and his helpers will be visiting on specific nights. The schedule is not specific to times nor exact locations because of many, many variables. In the event Santa needs to help with an emergency, the back-up night will be Dec. 17.
Dec. 14, 69 p.m.:
Steelton: NM Towers / Villas, NM Plaza, AAA North & South, East Thistle Drive, East Benjamin Drive.
Downtown: Thomas Addition, Foundry East of Rt #2, Kappel Street, Pike Street, Vine Street, Pike Street, Carol Lane, Burlington
Dec. 15, 69 p.m.
Steelton: Paducah Drive, Kevin Drive, Paddock Green Drive, Meadow Drive, Johnson Street, Crestview Terrace, Glenview Terrace, Fairview Drive, Orchard Drive, Ross Street, Northgate Drive, Oriole Drive, Wren Drive, Robin Drive, Cardinal Drive, Partridge Drive, Club Apts.
Downtown: North Street East of Route #2, Beech Street, Pine Street, Virginia Street, Locust Street, Apple Street, Center Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, McEldowney Avenue East of Rt #2, Duerr Street East of Rt #2, Edgewood Terrace, Monroe Avenue East of Rt #2, long Street, Leap Street East of Rt #2, Whitten Lane East of Rt #2, Clark Drive, Cherry Brooke Drive, Russell Avenue.
Dec. 16, 69 p.m.:
Steelton: Union Street, Steelton Street, Mary Street, Pleasants Lane, Mound Street, Park Avenue, James Street, Helen Street, Cindy Drive, Susan Street, West Benjamin Drive, West Thistle Drive, AAA West of Route #2, Nicholas Circle, Rosary Road, N. Bridge Street, Chapel View Apartments.
Downtown: South Bridge Street, Lang Drive, Riverside Drive, Radio Drive, Russell Avenue, Wetzel Street, 1st Street, 2nd Street, Leap Street West of Rt #2, Parkway Drive, Monroe Street West of Rt #2, Duerr Street & West Duerr Street, North Main Street, Monroe Avenue, Main Street, Maple Avenue, McEldowney Avenue West of Rt #2, Elm Street, Virginia Street West of Rt #2, Franklin Street, Clark Street, North Street, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, Cox Street, Ohio Street, River Lane.