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Ornaments Benefit Paden City Causes

By Staff | Dec 2, 2009
Glass Christmas bulbs are being sold by The Cornerstone Project and the Paden City Museum.
Handpainted Christmas ornaments are being sold by The Cornerstone Project and the Paden City Museum.

The Cornerstone Project and the Paden City Museum have joined together in a fund raising event. They are currently selling two types of Christmas ornaments. The first are hand-painted porcelain in two different shapes-circular and oblong. Both are approximately two inches in size and bear the Paden City Wildcat logo on one side, while the other has a Wildcat paw print and reads “Paden City High School”. Local artist Fran Caldwell, who designed and hand painted these ornaments specifically for the Cornerstone Project, approached them with the idea of this fund raiser. The designs vary slightly. However, they are of a keepsake quality. A limited number of these porcelain ornaments are available for $15 each.

The other type of ornaments are traditional glass bulbs approximately five inches in diameter. One is green and offers a likeness of the old Paden City High School, circa 1922, while the other offers a likeness of the rebuilt high school, circa 1976. Both of these sell for $8 each.

All of these ornaments come with boxes and can be purchased at the Paden City Museum located at 108 West Main Street, Paden City, or by calling 304-337-9102 or 304-337-8026. The proceeds from this sale will benefit both the Cornerstone Project, and the museum. Both are non-profit organizations.