Giving Thanks
I have had the privilege recently to talk with several kids and find out just what they are thankful for this year. Do you know what they’re thankful for? Sunshine, apples, deer, hunting, friends, family, church, God, colors, WVU, football, food, turkey. The list goes on and on. . . and so could mine.
I am extremely thankful for my friends and family, including my church family. They are the ones who laugh with us when we laugh and cry when we cry. They are our soft pillows when we need to rest and rocks when we need strength.
I am thankful for my job. While I generally enjoy working at the Wetzel Chronicle, there are certainly times I wish I could just walk out the door and not look back, and I certainly wish I could spend more time with my family, particularly my daughter. But I am always thankful and slightly amazed that someone is willing to pay me for my time and effort. For that I am thankful. I know many people, particularly in this current economic situation, would love to have that opportunity.
I am thankful for a faithful and loving husband. I know I am a very lucky girl in this department and certainly don’t take Daniel for granted.
I am thankful for food. It would come as no surprise to anyone that I love to eat and I am so thankful that we live in a country with plenty of food and with access to such a variety of ingredients. Not all that long ago broccoli was a foreign vegetable in this area and now it is probably one of the biggest sellers.
I am thankful for music. Without music there would be a great big void in my life. I think of a favorite lyric that says, “I want to hear some music once again, ’cause it’s the finest thing that I have ever found.”
I could go on and on about the things for which I give thanks, but I’d rather this list serve as a catalyst for you. Give thanks!