Wades Observe 50th Anniversary

Mary Wade and Pastor Arles Wade
Pastor Arles Wade and wife Mary of Littleton observed their 50th wedding anniversary in their home on Oct. 25.
The Littleton Church of God, where Arles has been the pastor for the past 19 years, held a prayer service at the home and then served cake and ice cream.
There were 17 present, in addition to the honorees: Nolan and Sally Mercer and granddaughter Kirsten, Dave and Beulah Simms, Mary McGlumphy, Liz Stahl, Mona DeBolt, Harry and Tillie Wright, Julia Rush, Margaret and Cecil Lancaster, Delbert and Arwana Wade, Billie Wade, and Pastor Ray Blake.
Arles and Mary were married at Kirk Ridge Methodist Church on Oct. 25, 1959, by Rev. Durward Fox. They are the parents of three sons, Harry, George, and Tommy. They have four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Arles worked at Weirton Steel Company for 32 years. He has been seriously ill for the last several months.