From Marge Myer
We want to thank everyone who donated to the Jimmy Parsons benefit at the Paden City Eagles #2281:
RMS, Advanced Auto, Bruce Bowling Alley, Flower Basket, Choo Choo’s, Quinet’s Court Restaurant, Tastee Freeze, Lucy’s Pizza, Prunty’s, Linda Norris, Auggie’s Pizza, Did’s, S&S Jewelry, Howell’s, Tin Ceiling, Talkington’s, Creations, Claws and Paws, Ace Hardware-New Martinsville, Tractor Supply, PO Boy, Gold Diggers. and Knives and More.
We would also like to thank all the bands who donated their time, equipment, and entertainment.
And another thanks to all who donated food and help. The benefit was a success.
Thank You,
Marge Myer
Paden City Eagles