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Community Resources Offers New Programs

By Staff | Nov 4, 2009

More assistance is being offered for more families at Community Resources, Inc. (CRI). New programs are now available through CRI to meet the need for employment, health services, and life skills.

CRI serves low to middle income families in Calhoun, Doddridge, Gilmer, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wetzel, Wirt, and Wood counties in West Virginia by providing services in employment, education, crisis intervention, financial independence, housing, and weatherization.

In addition to these existing services, CRI will be expanding its efforts thanks to the economic stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

The new programs include “Learn to Earn,” “Care for Clunkers,” “Labor Aid,” and “Partnering to Provide” among others.

“Learn to Earn” will provide tuition for those needing quick skills training to become immediately employed. Certification will be through a recognized and credible curriculum in the CRI service area. Educational institutions include but are not limited to the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center, the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute, and WVU-P. Examples of certifications include CNA, home health aide, home inspection, medical office assistant, or phlebotomy technician.

“Care for Clunkers” is CRI’s vehicle repair program. This program will help to repair vehicles for those that need transportation to keep their jobs or complete their schooling. CRI is working with a service provider in each of the 11 counties that CRI supports.

There are often expenses that come with having a job such as a uniform requirement or license renewal. “Labor Aid” is a new program at CRI that will help with fees relating to employment and education.

CRI is “Partnering to Provide” health services. Partnerships have been made with the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health. Several people in the community have already been served thanks to this partnership.

“Partnering to Provide” will also help families that have no prescription insurance obtain the short-term emergency prescriptions they need. CRI can also work to help those with long-term or existing prescriptions apply for a long-term prescription assistance program.

CRI is working with Active Parenting Now and will soon be able to offer parenting classes. This is a six-week course and is offered at no cost to those who are income eligible.

The community will also benefit from an organized Community Service Day involving area high schools. Partnerships with other area agencies will be made to continue offering programs that are proven to benefit those served.

Thanks to the recent stimulus bill, more families can qualify for assistance. The income eligibility guidelines have been raised.

The yearly income eligibility for a four-person household has increased from $33,075 to $44,100. Yearly income eligibility for a household of one is $21,660, two is $29,140 and three is $36,620.

Community Service Specialists at CRI can further assist individuals with these programs and can often recognize other services which may be helpful.

Visit CRI on the Web at www.cricap.org or contact your local CRI office for more information about these programs or to see if you may qualify.