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Valley High Hosts Crusade With Pigott

By Staff | Oct 21, 2009

John Pigott

What does a man do when the early years of his life have been spent walking in the shadow of drugs, alcohol, crime, and violence? Well, if you are fortunate, you encounter a man who can tell you about Jesus and find your life doing a complete turn around. That is what happen to John Pigott.

Following in the footsteps of parents who spent the greater part of their nighttime hours in local bars, Pigott followed the pattern that had been cast before him, only his life went deeper into the darkness than that of his parents. In the earlier days of his life he could be found hanging out in local bars and pool halls ready and willing to take on any challenge set before him, including that of making restitution for any one who felt they had been wronged by another-as long as they were willing to pay for the services he could provide. You might say Pigott was in a form of “contracting business”. It was all in a days work.

Then something miraculous happened. Pigott met a man who began to tell him about Jesus Christ. He invited him to church, an idea which, in the beginning, Pigott just laughed at. But the friend was persistent. He never gave up even though he found himself being laughed at, ridiculed, and scorned. He kept inviting and Pigott kept mocking. Finally, to get the friend to leave him alone, he accepted the invitation to attend a revival meeting at Shinnston.

Something happened to Pigott that night. He heard a message he had never heard before. He heard that there was a man called Jesus that loved him enough to die for him even in the aftermath of the life he had lived. That night he gave his life to Jesus Christ and he has never been the same since.

Today, Pigott is the associate pastor of Jewel City Church in Shinnston and in the 13 years he has held that position, he has seen hundreds of people from his old walk of life come to Jesus Christ, including both his parents. Pigott brings a message of love for the lonely and a message of hope for those who have been broken by the hard blows of life.

The public will have chance to hear Pigott preach at a community crusade sponsored by the Short Line Ministerial Alliance at 7 p.m., Oct. 23, 24, and 25, at Valley High School Auditorium.