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From Robyn McGuire

By Staff | Oct 14, 2009

A Philosophy of Service. On Thursday, Oct. 15, credit unions around the world will join in celebrating International Credit Union Day and the role these financial institutions play in our communities. The theme of the event-Your Money, Your Choice, Your Credit Union-encapsulates what has long been the credit union promise. After a year that has posed economic and financial challenges for people around the world, this theme honors credit unions’ philosophy of putting people before profits in order to provide access to affordable financial services to all their members.

Credit unions are unique because they are not-for-profit, democratically controlled, member-owned cooperatives. Members of credit unions pool their assets to provide low-cost loans and other financial services to each other. The credit union movement’s cooperative spirit has been embraced by 186 million members served by 53,000 credit unions in 97 countries worldwide, working together to achieve economic advancement. Credit unions play a vital role in the economic development and stability of the communities they serve, helping people improve their lives through access to affordable financial services.

This year’s theme also celebrates the advantages of credit union membership. Value, trust, and service are just some of the many benefits of being a credit union member. That’s as true in the Ohio Valley area as it is in credit unions from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. A philosophy of member service lies at the core of all credit unions, and it’s an advantage that has distinguished them for more than 150 years.

This International Credit Union Day, we hope everyone will join us in celebrating the credit union difference, our proud cooperative heritage, and the wonderful opportunities credit union membership will offer citizens of the Ohio Valley area for many years to come.

Robyn McGuire

Marketing Manager

Ohio Valley Community Credit Union