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Court Action Includes Many

By Staff | Oct 7, 2009

Robert Maine Jr.

In Wetzel County Circuit Court Sept. 29 there was a lengthy conversation at the judge’s bench between Wetzel County Prosecutor Tim Haught, Tom White, Robert Maine Jr., and Judge David W. Hummel Jr. Robert A. Maine Jr., 30, of 14 Rose St., New Martinsville, is currently being held at the Northern Regional Jail for allegedly fatally shooting his cousin, Gregory G. Maine Jr., on March 7 with a high powered rifle in New Martinsville. A hearing was set for Nov. 30 at 11:45 a.m.

Jason L. Morgan, 34, of 37436 Sunset Trailer Court, Sardis, pleaded innocent to a two-count indictment: count one, felony fleeing from an officer while driving under the influence; and count two, driving under the influence, both to have allegedly occurred on Jan. 19.

Morgan had failed to appear in court Sept. 15 and Hummel had issued a capias warrant for him. Morgan had been arrested on the warrant and was held in the Northern Regional Jail. However, Hummel said, “I have not problem releasing him on his former bond.” Bond was previously set in magistrate court at $10,000 surety. The defense must have motions filed by Oct. 16 for a return date on Oct. 22 at 1:30 p.m. Morgan’s trial date is set for Nov. 2.

While the courtroom seemed quite full, two persons failed to appear for their arraignments. Rebecca Dawn Beltran, 20, of RR 1 Box 87 Carmichael, Glen Easton, W.Va., is facing a two-count indictment. Count one is a felony offense of entry of a building other than a dwelling to have allegedly occurred between July 16 and 24, 2008, in which she entered a building belonging to Carl Nelson on Commercial St., New Martinsville, with the intent to commit a larceny. Count two is felony grand larceny to have allegedly occurred between the dates of July 16 and 24, 2008, with the value of $1,000 or more of paintball guns and equipment that belonged to Nelson. It was noted in the courtroom she has not been served yet. There is now a capias warrant for her arrest and she is said to be in the Steubenville area.

Jack D. Keys, 50, of Post Office Box 764, New Martinsville, did not appear in court. There is now also a capias warrant for his arrest. He is charged with a four-count indictment. Count one is felony fleeing from an officer while driving under the influence. Count two is misdemeanor second-offense driving under the influence of alcohol.

He was previously convicted for the offense of DUI in Magistrate Court on March 15, 2004. Count three and four are identical, felony child abuse by creating a risk of serious bodily injury or death by fleeing from a law enforcement officer in a motor vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol. All four counts were allegedly to have occurred on July 31 in Wetzel County.