From Billie Zimmerman
Does a High School student need to have a certain last name, or come from a family with a lot of money to be able to play football? Well, it appears that seems to be the case at a certain area high school.
We as parents spend money on cleats, pictures, and admission prices (to watch them) for our children to play football. Well at least we thought they would play. Now some of us realize that money has been flushed down the drain.
I didn’t care about putting out this money because my child wanted to play, if only he would get to. There have been three games this season and he has got to play about 16 minutes and he is a senior. Granted he isn’t the only senior or junior to get suited up and stand on that sideline and for what may I ask? Not a thing!
We have tried to keep our kids looking to the positive side when they say, “We are going to quit the team, this is getting old.” There are more than one or two boys on the team. Hence the word-team. You want the line to block, then coaches open your eyes.
I know some parents are getting tired of it, but we are asked to give money for this or that, sell tickets, or work concessions and our boys don’t see but a minimal few minutes of the field.
I don’t know how the teams are picked now days, but I do know when I was in school the freshman and sophomores made up the junior varsity team and the juniors and seniors were the varsity team who played on Fridays. I really wish that I could say that is the way it is now. Maybe then these juniors and seniors standing on the sideline wouldn’t be feeling the way they do.
As parents we try to keep their spirits/morals up. How can you do that when some of these boys have played since the fifth grade and have put forth their best effort? Now they are put on the sideline to hold down the grass so to speak.
I have taught my children not to be quitters. I am so past that now and have decided to let him make his own decision on this one. If he quits I will stand behind that decision every step of the way, but I do have a play in my playbook for that pigskin. If you want to know what it is, don’t hesitate to ask. I will let you know.
Sorry boys, not a lot I can do to change this.
Billie Zimmerman