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Riggs Receives 4-10 Years

By Staff | Sep 16, 2009

Cody Dylan Riggs

With the honorable Judge David W. Hummel Jr. residing in the Wetzel County Circuit Court on Sept. 15, sentence was given to Cody Dylan Riggs, 23 of 2550 Route 4, Isaac Creek Road, Clarksburg. He received no less than four and no more than 10 years in West Virginia Men’s Penitentiary for count one of malicious assault that occurred between Sept. 28 and 29, 2008. This sentence will run concurrent with a federal sentence in which on April 30, 2009, he entered a guilty plea in a federal courtroom of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Riggs received a 60-month sentence for that crime.

A plea agreement was entered in the courtroom for malicious assault. Papers for a recidivist designation was filed by Prosecutor Tim Haught. “This doubles the minimum because of prior convictions,” explained Hummel of the time to be served.

Haught explained to the courtroom that the crime occurred in Wetzel County in the Reader area. He went on, stating that Riggs and his girlfriend at the time were attending a party in Reader in which an argument began between the two. They then went outside, where Riggs stabbed the victim multiple times and then threw her over an embankment. He further explained that Riggs fled the scene of the incident and was caught in Clarksburg with a firearm.

Because of the victim’s wounds, she was taken by helicopter to a hospital in Morgantown. Haught went on, stating the knife used in the incident was recovered and a statement was made from the victim claiming Riggs did stab her multiple times.

Haught asked Hummel for restitution to the victim of $48,828.36 because she did not have health insurance at the time of the incident and this was the hospital bill. Haught pointed out this did not include the bill for being transported by helicopter.

Judge Hummel asked Riggs what he thought made him guilty of the crime. Riggs responded by saying, “I did attack my girlfriend with a knife.” Hummel then asked if she received medical attention. Riggs replied, “Yes.” Hummel reminded Riggs there is a civil judgement against him.

Hummel also reported of knowledge of a prior conviction in the state of Florida.

With that being stated by Hummel, he sentenced Riggs to no less than four years and no more than 10 to run concurrent with the federal sentencing and that restitution of $48,828.36 is to be made