Wetzel County Tells School Bus Schedules
The Wetzel County Board of Education has announced the school bus schedules for the 2009-2010 school year.
Bus No. 2; Driver William Kuhn; Route, Brown’s Run/Rock Camp/Littleton/Rt. 250.
Morning schedule: 6:50, Marshall County Line (turnaround); 6:55, Gorby; 7:00, Lemley; 7:02, Phillips; 7:05, New Addition; 7:10, Cork (Brown’s Run); 7:13, Williams; 7:15, Woods; 7:17, Garrison (Rock Camp) turnaround; 7:22, Britton; 7:35, Pletcher; 7:39, Carnegie Bridge; 7:41, Dairy Dream; 7:42, Tennant Bridge; 7:46, Hundred High School; 7:55, Long Drain School
Afternoon schedule: 3:09, Long Drain School; 3:18, Hundred High School; 3:21, Tennant Bridge; 3:22, Dairy Dream; 3:26, Carnegie Bridge; 3:30, Pletcher; 3:34, Britton; 3:38, Garrison (turnaround); 3:53, Woods; 3:56, Williams; 4:00, Cork (Brown’s Run); 4:05, New Addition; 4:10, Lemley; 4:13, Gorby; 4:16, Marshall County Line (turnaround).
Bus No. 3; Driver Tom Pegg; Route, Limestone /Doolin.
Morning schedule: 6:51, Baker; 6:52, Wade; 6:53, Young; 6:54, Postlethwait/Moore; 6:55, Nolan; 6:56, Wadsworth; 6:57, Glow; 6:59, Throckmorton – Tarpen Ridge; 7:00, Turnaround; 7:03, Moore; 7:04, Slider; 7:06, Pegg; 7:07, Starkey; 7:12, Snyder; 7:13, Shreves/Ebert; 7:15, Neff; 7:16, Brookover; 7:17, Fox; 7:18, Robinson; 7:19, Fluharty; 7:19, Schupbach; 7:20, Yost/Beatty; 7:21, Raber; 7:22, Bland; 7:22, Dye; 7:23, Rice; 7:23, Goddard; 7:24, Batton; 7:25, Schupbach Ridge; 7:26, McLeod; 7:27, Howell; 7:28, Bosley; 7:29, Moore; 7:33, Magnolia High School; 7:45, New Martinsville School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:15, Magnolia; 3:18, Moore; 3:20, Bosley; 3:21, Howell; 3:23, McLeod; 3:23, Goddard; 3:24, Schupbach Ridge; 3:26, Batton; 3:26, Rice; 3:31, Dye; 3:31, Bland; 3:32, Raber; 3:33, Beatty/Yost; 3:34, Schupbach; 3:35, Fluharty; 3:36, Robinson; 3:37, Fox; 3:38, Brookover; 3:39, Neff; 3:40, Shreves/Ebert; 3:41, Snider; 3:44, Starkey; 3:45, Pegg; 3:46, Slider; 3:47, Moore; 3:49, Throckmorton – Tarpen Ridge; 3:53, Glow; 3:54, Wadsworth; 3:55, Nolan; 3:57, Postlethwait/Moore; 3:58, Young; 3:59, Wade; 4:00, Baker; 4:20, Board Office.
Bus No. 8; Driver Tom Durig; Route, Dutch/ Whiskey/ Paden Fork/ Paden City.
Morning schedule: 7:07, Cross; 7:08, Probst; 7:11, Goddard; 7:12, Goddard; 7:14, Hardbarger; 7:27, Suter; 7:28, Sawyer; 7:29, Dr. Meckley; 7:30, Old Middle School; 7:31, American Legion; 7:32, Hizer; 7:33, East Harrison Street; 7:34, East Van Buren Street; 7:35, Baptist Church; 7:36, Tasty Creme; 7:37, L & K Pizza; 7:38, Methodist Church; 7:39, Dr. Feather’s; 7:40, Leo’s/High School; 7:41, Jarvis Funeral Home; 7:43, Paden City Elementary.
Afternoon schedule: 2:50, Paden City Elementary; 2:51, Paden City High School; 2:52, Dr. Feather’s; 2:53, Dr. Meckley; 2:54, Old Middle School; 2:55, American Legion; 2:59, Baptist Church; 3:00, Tasty Creme; 3:01, L & K Pizza; 3:02, Methodist Church; 3:03, Leo’s; 3:04, Jarvis Funeral Home; 3:08, Paden City Elementary; 3:12, Paden City High School; 3:13, Dr. Feather’s; 3:14, Dr. Meckley; 3:15, Old Middle School; 3:16, American Legion; 3:17, Hizer; 3:18, East Harrison Street; 3:19, East Van Buren Street; 3:22, L & K Pizza; 3:22, Methodist Church; 3:23, Leo’s; 3:24, Jarvis Funeral Home; 3:28, Sawyer; 3:29, Suter; 3:31, Cross; 3:32, Probst; 3:35, Goddard; 3:36, Goddard; 3:50, Paden City High School.
Bus No. 9; Driver Matt Day; Route, Proctor/ Grandview/North Paden City/ WCCCF.
Morning schedule: 6:29, Lancaster/Willey; 6:37, Long; 6:39, Messenger; 6:41, Reynolds; 6:44, Hamrick; 6:48, Goddard; 6:52, Fletcher; 6:56, Rush/O’Neil; 6:57, Paugh Ridge (turnaround); 7:04, Thomas; 7:06, Nice/Villers; 7:06, Tharp; 7:10, Newman Ridge; 7:17, Yoho; 7:18, Bridge; 7:20, Parsons/Coulter; 7:25, Go Mart; 7:26, Candlelight Restaurant (K-12); 7:31, New Martinsville School; 7:35, AAA (9-12); 7:36, Gravel Road (9-12); 7:37, Quinn; 7:38, Speed Way (9-12); 7:42, Magnolia High School; 7:45, Newell; 7:51, Paden City Cemetery; 7:52, Taylor Drive; 7:54, Paden City Elementary; 8:09, WCCCF; 8:15, Bus Garage.
Afternoon schedule: 2:25, WCCCF; 2:45, Paden City Elementary; 2:47, Taylor Drive; 2:48, Paden City Cemetery; 2:53, Newell; 3:10, Magnolia High School (9-12); 3:15, Speedway (9-12); 3:16, Quinn; 3:18, Gravel Road (9-12); 3:19, AAA Trailer Court (9-12); 3:26, New Martinsville School; 3:29, Candlelight Restaurant; 3:30, Go Mart; 3:35, Parsons/Coulter; 3:38, Bridge; 3:39, Yoho; 3:40, Anderson; 3:45, Newman Ridge; 3:50, Tharp; 3:52, Thomas; 3:54, Fletcher; 3:58, Rush/O’Neil; 3:59, Paugh Ridge (turnaround); 4:06, Goddard; 4:09, Hamrick; 4:13, Reynolds; 4:14, Messenger; 4:16, Long; 4:23, Lancaster/Willey; 4:41, Bus Garage.
Bus No. 10; Driver Sandra Hurst; Route, Coburn/Big Run/North Fork/Town Hill.
Morning schedule: 6:40, Derby; 6:42, Adams; 6:45, Aberegg; 6:52, Willey’s Store; 6:57, White; 6:58, Goodrich; 7:02, Dulaney; 7:03, Utt; 7:04, Willey; 7:05, Titus; 7:07, Kocher; 7:23, Stoneking; 7:25, Hubbard; 7:27, Boothill; 7:29, Byard; 7:30, Ueltschy; 7:31, Brown; 7:33, Evatt; 7:36, Spencer; 7:37, Wilson Run; 7:38, Valley High School; 7:39, Barbara’s Cafe; 7:40, Top of Town Hill; 7:41, Cross’ Garage; 7:42, Church of Christ; 7:44, Reader Fire Hall; 7:50, Lloyd; 7:51, Short Line School
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:11, Lloyd; 3:12, Reader Fire Hall; 3:18, Church of Christ; 3:21, Cross’ Garage; 3:22, Top of Town Hill; 3:24, Barbara’s Cafe; 3:26, Valley High School; 3:27, Wilson Run; 3:28, Spencer; 3:30, McCoy; 3:31, Evatt; 3:32, Brown; 3:33, Ueltschy; 3:34, Byard; 3:36, Boothill; 3:37, Hubbard; 3:40, Stoneking; 3:44, Kocher; 3:47, Titus; 3:48, Willey; 3:49, Utt; 3:50, Dulaney; 3:52, Goodrich; 3:53, White; 3:58, Willey; 4:03, Parks/Aberegg; 4:05, Adams; 4:11, Derby (turnaround); 4:41, Valley High School.
Bus No. 12; Driver Regina Lemley; Route, Trader’s Run/Stout Run/Fallen Timber/ Arches Fork.
Morning schedule: 6:20, Trader Run turnaround; 6:21, McDougal; 6:21, Adams; 6:22, Moore; 6:38, Stout Run turnaround; 6:40, Bates; 6:40, Swiger; 6:41, Haught; 6:43, Leek; 6:45, Stout; 6:47, Haught (Route 20); 6:59, Fallen Timber turnaround; 6:59, Brammer; 7:04, McGee; 7:10, Currence; 7:19, Arches Fork turnaround; 7:20, Baker; 7:24, Morgan (Route 20); 7:30, Hayes; 7:31, Zahora; 7:34, Smith; 7:41, Valley High School; 7:49, Short Line School
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:20, Valley High School; 3:28, Smith; 3:33, Zahora; 3:33, Hayes; 3:39, Morgan; 3:43, Baker; 3:45, Arches Fork turnaround; 3:50, Currence (Fallen Timber); 3:59, McGee; 4:00, Fallen Timber turnaround; 4:00, Brammer; 4:10, Haught (Route 20); 4:13, Stout; 4:14, Leek; 4:15, Haught; 4:16, Swiger; 4:16, Bates; 4:20, Stout Run turnaround; 4:34, Moore (Trader Run); 4:35, Adams; 4:36, McDougal; 4:36, Trader Run turnaround; 5:05, Short Line School.
Bus No. 18; Driver Carol Cecil; Route, Mt. Herman/Robinson Ridge/ Sugar Run/ Littleton/ Long Drain.
Morning schedule: 6:35, Kirkpatrick (Mt. Herman); 6:37, Jones; 6:50, Watson (Knob Fork Road); 6:53, Koontz; 6:57, Shreve; 7:00, White; 7:09, Price (Sugar Run Road); 7:11, Kolojay; 7:14, Yoho; 7:15, Watson; 7:16, Watson/Yoho; 7:20, Bailey; 7:22, Church of God; 7:24, Morris (Rt. 250); 7:25, Morris; 7:26, Church of Christ; 7:27, Wise; 7:28, Koontz; 7:29, Derby; 7:30, Littleton Senior Center; 7:32, Goodrich; 7:33, St. John; 7:37, White (Long Drain Road); 7:38, Myers; 7:38, Olsen; 7:38, Pierce; 7:41, Hawkins; 7:44, Watson; 7:45, Long Drain School; 7:49, Watson; 7:54, Hundred High School
Afternoon schedule: 3:09, Hundred High School; 3:15, Watson; 3:19, Long Drain School; 3:20, Watson; 3:22, Hawkins; 3:25, Pierce; 3:25, Olsen; 3:26, Myers; 3:27, White; 3:31, St. John; 3:32, Goodrich; 3:34, Littleton Senior Center; 3:35, Derby; 3:35, Koontz; 3:36, Wise; 3:37, Church of Christ; 3:38, Morris; 3:39, Morris; 3:41, Church of God; 3:43, Bailey; 3:46, Watson/Yoho; 3:47, Watson; 3:48, Yoho; 3:50, Kolojay; 3:51, Pride; 3:54, Jones; 3:56, Kirkpatrick; 4:06, White; 4:09, Shreve; 4:11, Watson; 4:13, Koontz.
Bus No. 19; Driver John Horner; Route, Pricetown.
Morning schedule: 6:40, Smith (turnaround); 6:42, Wright; 6:43, Carson; 6:44, Vanderhoff; 6:48, Brown (turnaround); 6:50, Myers; 6:52, Barr; 6:53, Floyd; 6:54, Long; 6:59, Kinkade (turnaround); 7:03, Pingley; 7:04, Wise/Hayhurst; 7:07, Buck Run; 7:09, Goodrich; 7:10, Guthrie; 7:11, Roe; 7:12, Baker; 7:14, Kuhen; 7:15, Spott; 7:16, Dulaney; 7:17, Coen; 7:18, Dennison; 7:19, Cook; 7:20, Smithfield Apartments; 7:33, Mockingbird Hill; 7:38, Irvin; 7:40, Valley High School; 7:42, WesBanco; 7:43, Valley Manor; 7:50, Short Line School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:14, Valley Manor; 3:15, WesBanco; 3:16, Valley High School; 3:18, Irvin; 3:22, Mockingbird Hill; 3:36, Smithfield Apartments; 3:37, Cook; 3:38, Dennison; 3:39, Coen; 3:40, Dulaney; 3:41, Spott; 3:43, Kuhen; 3:44, Baker; 3:45, Roe; 3:46, Guthrie; 3:48, Goodrich; 3:51, Buck Run; 3:54, Long; 3:55, Floyd; 3:56, Barr; 3:59, Vanderhoff; 4:00, Carson; 4:01, Wright; 4:02, Smith (turnaround); 4:06, Myers; 4:07, Brown (turnaround); 4:11, Wise/Hayhurst; 4:12, Pingley; 4:14, Kinkade.
Bus No. 22; Driver Tom Fluharty; Route, Mobley/North Fork/4 Mile/Barker.
Morning schedule: 6:50, Frye (Brink Hill); 6:53, Barr; 6:54, Mouth of Wiley Fork; 6:57, Fallen Timber; 6:58, Mobley Station; 6:59, Barnett; 7:00, Barr; 7:02, Mayfield; 7:03, Williams; 7:04, Harter; 7:05, Lydick (Kingtown Bridge); 7:06, Willey; 7:07, Marshall; 7:08, Wildman’s Store; 7:09, Brewer; 7:10, Dulaney; 7:11, Starkey; 7:12, Bickerstaff; 7:17, Morgan (4 Mile); 7:22, Sheep Run; 7:24, Rice; 7:26, Cohen; 7:28, Ketzel; 7:30, Sell; 7:32, Titus; 7:34, Lewis; 7:35, Tennant; 7:39, White; 7:43, Valley High School; 7:46, Sell/Stout; 7:47, Davis; 7:50, Short Line School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:13, Davis; 3:15, Sell/Stout; 3:16, Valley High School; 3:20, White; 3:27, Sell; 3:29, Titus; 3:34, Ketzel; 3:35, Cohen; 3:38, Rice; 3:40, Sheep Run; 3:44, Morgan (4 Mile); 3:49, Bickerstaff; 3:53, Starkey; 3:54, Dulaney; 3:55, Brewer; 3:56, Wildman’s Store; 3:57, Marshall; 3:58, Willey; 3:59, Lydick (Kingtown Bridge); 4:00, Harter; 4:01, Williams; 4:03, Mayfield; 4:05, Barr; 4:09, Barnett; 4:10, Mobley Station; 4:11, Fallen Timber; 4:12, Mouth of Wiley Fork; 4:13, Barr; 4:15, Frye (Brink Hill).
Bus No. 23; Driver Marie Norris; Route, Kodol/Earnshaw/Rush Run.
Morning schedule: 6:35, Craft; 6:38, Murphy; 6:39, Lemasters; 6:54, Shriver; 6:56, Destefano; 6:57, Williams; 7:06, Koontz; 7:10, Sayer; 7:11, Board; 7:11, Philborn; 7:11, Burdine; 7:12, Williams; 7:18, Moore; 7:20, Parks (turnaround); 7:21, Simpson; 7:24, Fox; 7:24, Goff; 7:26, Pletcher; 7:33, Blair (turnaround); 7:37, Geho; 7:41, Sizemore; 7:44, Matthews; 7:45, Long Drain School; 7:50, Hundred High School; 7:55, Garage Point.
Afternoon schedule: 3:09, Long Drain School; 3:14, Hundred High School; 3:16, Shriver; 3:18, Destefano; 3:19, Williams; 3:31, Koontz; 3:37, Sayer; 3:38, Board; 3:39, Philborn; 3:39, Burdine; 3:40, Williams; 3:43, Pletcher; 3:44, Goff; 3:44, Fox; 3:46, Moore; 3:47, Simpson; 3:49, Parks (turnaround); 3:54, Geho; 3:58, Blair (turnaround); 4:08, Matthews; 4:15, Lemasters; 4:16, Murphy; 4:19, Craft.
Bus No. 26; Driver Kevin Durig; Route, Silver Hill.
Morning schedule: 6:15, Harlan; 6:16, Harlan; 6:19, Long; Pleasants & Greenfield Ridge (Turn.); 6:30, Durig; 6:32, Huggins; 6:32, Yoho; 6:36, Yoho; 6:44, Silver Hill Fire Department; 6:47, Smith; 6:48, McBride Ridge; 6:48, Bickerstaff; 6:48, Sidenstricker; 6:54, Huggins (Hohman Ridge); 6:54, Urbanic; 6:56, Napier; 6:56, Wade; 6:57, White; 6:58, Huggins; 7:00, Steiner Fork; 7:05, Durig/Blake/Goddard; 7:06, Long; 7:07, Walker; 7:08, Laughlin Ridge; 7:09, Gibb; 7:13, Phillips; 7:14, Stoflinsky; 7:18, Davis; 7:19, Jones; 7:20, Young; 7:23, Cook; 7:35, Magnolia High School; 7:45, New Martinsville.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:15, Magnolia High School; 3:28, Cook; 3:31, Young; 3:32, Jones; 3:33, Davis; 3:35, Stoflinsky; 3:36, Phillips; 3:39, Gibb; 3:40, Laughlin Ridge; 3:41, Walker; 3:42, Long; 3:44, Durig/Blake/Goddard; 3:46, Steiner Fork; 3:47, Huggins; 3:48, White; 3:49, Wade; 3:50, Napier; 3:53, Urbanic; 3:54, Huggins (Hohman Ridge); 3:58, Sidenstricker; 3:58, Bickerstaff; 3:58, McBridge Ridge; 4:00, Smith; 4:01, Silver Hill Fire Department; 4:04, Yoho; 4:08, Yoho; 4:09, Huggins; 4:13, Durig; Pleasant Ridge (turnaround); 4:24, Long; 4:26, Harlan; 4:28, Harlan; 5:00, Durig residence.
Bus No. 27; Driver Teresa Loy; Route Huff/Schupbach/American Ridge.
Morning schedule: 6:23, Warren; 6:25, Smith; 6:43, Horner; 6:45, Duke; 6:46, Goddard/Anderson; 6:47, Wilson/Nice; 6:49, Throckmorton; 7:04, Forrester; 7:09, Blake; 7:11, Schupbach; 7:16, Akers; 7:18, Scheibelhood; 7:20, Young; 7:22, Dempewolf; 7:29, Magnolia; 7:34, Church of Christ (K-8); 7:38, Chapel View (K-8); 7:39, Lockhaven (K-8); 7:45, New Martinsville School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:10, Chapel View Apts. (K-8); 3:11, Lock Haven (K-8); 3:15, Church of Christ (K-8); 3:20, Magnolia High School; 3:27, Dempewolf; 3:29, Young; 3:31, Scheibelhood; 3:33, Akers; 3:38, Schupbach; 3:39, Blake; 3:43, Forrester; 3:58, Throckmorton; 4:00, Wilson/Nice; 4:01, Goddard/Anderson; 4:02, Duke; 4:04, Horner; 4:14, Smith; 4:16, Warren; 4:26, County Office.
Bus No. 28; Driver Tim Long; Route, Rt. 20/Folsom/Smithfield.
Morning schedule: 6:55, Folsom Fire Hall; 6:57, Edgell; 6:59, Dennison; 7:01, Manion Run; 7:04, Carter; 7:05, Camp Run; 7:06, Folsom Church of God; 7:07, Glasscock’s Store; 7:08, Jones; 7:09, Moore; 7:11, Riddle; 7:14, Mouth of Stout Run; 7:17, Maize’s Bridge/Smithfield; 7:18, Wright/Shreves; 7:20, Quinn; 7:22, Mouth of Fallen Timber; 7:23, Dallison; 7:24, Underwood; 7:26, Brown; 7:29, Sampson; 7:31, Dulaney; 7:33, Adams; 7:39, Valley High School; 7:41, Higgins; 7:42, Adams; 7:43, Tracy Dip; 7:45, Short Line School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:15, Tracy Dip; 3:16, Adams; 3:17, Higgins; 3:19, VHS Intersection Rt. 20; 3:20, Valley High School; 3:25, Adams; 3:27, Dulaney; 3:28, Sampson; 3:31, Brown; 3:33, Underwood; 3:35, Dallison; 3:36, Mouth of Fallen Timber; 3:38, Quinn; 3:40, Wright/Shreves; 3:41, Maize’s Bridge/Smithfield; 3:45, Riddle; 3:47, Moore; 3:48, King (PM only); 3:49, Jones; 3:50, Folsom Fire Hall; 3:51, Glasscock’s Store; 3:52, Edgell; 3:53, Folsom Church of God; 3:54, Camp Run; 3:55, Carter; 3:56, Dennison; 3:57, Manion Run.
Bus No. 29; Driver Larry Hostuttler; Route, Wileyville/Route 7.
Morning schedule: 6:40, Bus Garage; 7:10, Wileyville Bus Garage; 7:15, Barker Bridge; 7:17, Greathouse; 7:18, Wade; 7:19, Honey Run; 7:21, Marlow; 7:22, Boggess; 7:23, Morgan; 7:24, Howell; 7:26, Yoho; 7:27, Schockow; 7:28, Woodward; 7:29, Opyoke; 7:31, Walton; 7:31, Long; 7:32, Woodruff; 7:33, Morris; 7:33, Baker; 7:34, Sams; 7:36, Tennant; 7:37, Hollabaugh; 7:37, Norris; 7:38, Williams; 7:40, Tustin; 7:44, Long Drain School; 7:50, Hundred High School
Afternoon schedule: 3:09, Hundred High School; 3:20, Long Drain School; 3:30, Tustin; 3:36, Williams; 3:37, Norris; 3:37, Hollabaugh; 3:38, Tennant; 3:41, Sams; 3:42, Baker; 3:42, Morris; 3:43, Woodruff; 3:44, Long; 3:44, Walton; 3:47, Opyoke; 3:48, Woodward; 3:49, Schockow; 3:50, Yoho; 3:52, Howell; 3:55, Morgan; 3:56, Boggess; 3:57, Marlow; 3:59, Honey Run; 4:00, Wade; 4:01, Greathouse; 4:03, Barker Ridge; 4:06, Wileyville Bus Garage; 4:25, Bus Garage.
Bus No. 30; Driver Roger Thomas; Route, Alt. 180/South Route 2.
Morning schedule: 6:45, Board Office; 6:50, Whiskey Run; 6:54, Boughner; 6:57, Paden Fork; 7:01, Stickler; 7:03, Cider Run Road; 7:04, Ritz; 7:05, Campbell; 7:06, Partridge/Willhoite/Wells; 7:07, Veyon/Pennell; 7:08, Smith; 7:12, Talkington’s Gun Shop; 7:13, Rine; 7:14, Clements Oil (turnaround); 7:19, McCaman; 7:20, Thomas Addition; 7:21, Henthorn; 7:22, Shreve Sporting Goods; 7:23, Valley Tire; 7:25, Sidelines; 7:31, Magnolia High School; 7:43, New Martinsville School
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:15, Sidelines; 3:20, Magnolia High School; 3:22, Valley Tire; 3:23, Shreve Sporting Goods; 3:23, Henthorn; 3:24, Thomas Addition; 3:26, Talkington’s Gun Shop; 3:27, Rine; 3:28, Clements Oil (turnaround); 3:30, McCaman; 3:33, Smith; 3:35, Veyon/Pennell; 3:36, Partridge/Willhoite/Wells; 3:37, Campbell; 3:38, Ritz; 3:39, Cider Run Road; 3:40, Stickler; 3:41, Whiskey Run; 3:42, Boughner; 3:44, Paden Fork; 3:52, Board Office.
Bus No. 32; Driver Danny Westfall; Route, Slim Chance/Maple Avenue/Villas.
Morning schedule: 7:08, Bottom of Slim Chance; 7:10, Top of Slim Chance; 7:13, Miller/Litton; 7:16, Witschey Addition; 7:18, Twin Bridges; 7:19, 4-H Camp/Dreyfuse; 7:20, Rolling Acres; 7:22, Beechwood Estates; 7:26, Mullett/Maple Avenue (ES-8); 7:28, North & Main Street (ES-8); 7:29, War Memorial Building (ES-8); 7:31, Magnolia High School; 7:33, North Maple Avenue (ES-8); 7:38, Villas (ES-8); 7:45, New Martinsville School; 8:05, Leave NMS (Early Start); 8:15, Arrive WCCCF
Afternoon schedule: 2:20, Leave WCCCF (Early Start); 3:05, Leave New Martinsville School; 3:12, Villas (ES-8); 3:18, North Maple Avenue (ES-8); 3:20, Magnolia High School (ES-8); 3:22, War Memorial Building (ES-8); 3:23, North & Main Street (ES-8); 3:24, City Building (ES-8); 3:25, Mullett/Maple Avenue (ES-8); 3:29, Beechwood Estates; 3:31, Rolling Acres; 3:33, 4-H Camp/Dreyfuse; 3:34, Twin Bridges; 3:36, Witschey Addition; 3:39, Bottom of Slim Chance; 3:42, Top of Slim Chance; 3:45, Miller/Litton.
Bus No. 33; Driver Aaron Ritz; Route, N. State Route 2/Proctor/St. Joseph/Villas (9-12).
Morning schedule: 6:40, Zombotti; 6:41, Fox; 6:43, Carr; 6:59, Cooper Lane; 7:01, Parsons Ridge (turnaround); 7:05, Hawky Hill Road; 7:06, Klug; 7:07, Cain; 7:08, Nice; 7:10, Goddard; 7:12, Nice; 7:14, Palmer Ridge; 7:16, Kelly; 7:24, Proctor Lounge; 7:26, Proctor Post Office; 7:28, Club Apartments; 7:29, Hillside; 7:30, Northgate/Laundromat (K-12); 7:35, New Martinsville School; 7:38, Villas (9-12); 7:45, Magnolia High School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:12, Magnolia High School; 3:16, Villas (9-12); 3:20, New Martinsville School; 3:23, Northgate/Laundromat (K-12); 3:24, Hillside (K-12); 3:25, Club Apartments; 3:29, Proctor Post Office; 3:33, Proctor Lounge; 3:42, Kelly; 3:44, Palmer Ridge; 3:46, Nice; 3:48, Goddard; 3:50, Nice; 3:52, Cain; 3:53, Klug; 3:54, Hawky Hill Road; 3:56, Cooper Lane; 3:58, Parsons Ridge (turnaround); 4:09, Carr; 4:12, Fox.
Bus No. 35; Driver David Shank; Route, Carney Run/ Wileyville/Route 7/ Burlington/North Main Street.
Morning schedule: 6:32, Wood; 6:34, Bard; 6:36, Greathouse; 6:50, Wileyville Store; 6:51, Lehman; 6:52, Rush Run; 6:53, Edgell; 6:54, Ater; 6:56, Huggins; 6:58, McBee; 7:01, Smith; 7:03, Grimes; 7:05, Goddard; 7:06, Green Acres; 7:07, Ueltschy/Smith; 7:08, Yoho; 7:09, Yoho; 7:10, Thomas; 7:18, Steele; 7:19, Old Route 7; 7:20, Graham; 7:21, Ramsey; 7:26, Burlington; 7:31, Magnolia; 7:33, Bridgeman Dental Office; 7:45, New Martinsville School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:17, Bridgeman Dental Building; 3:19, Magnolia High School; 3:22, Burlington; 3:26, Ramsey; 3:27, Graham; 3:28, Old Route 7; 3:29, Steele; 3:37, Thomas; 3:38, Yoho; 3:38, Yoho; 3:39, Ueltschy/Smith; 3:40, Green Acres; 3:41, Goddard; 3:42, Grimes; 3:44, Smith; 3:47, McBee; 3:49, Huggins; 3:50, Ater; 3:51, Edgell; 3:52, Rush Run; 3:53, Lehman; 3:54, Wileyville Store; 4:08, Greathouse; 4:09, Bard; 4:11, Wood.
Bus No. 37; Driver Debbie Thomas; Route, Whiteman Hill/ Down-town/ South Steelton.
Morning schedule: 6:44, Gump; 6:45, Dunham; 6:47, Oats; 6:56, Thomas; 6:57, Dunham; 6:58, Rabel; 7:04, McAdams; 7:05, Moore; 7:07, Taylor; 7:11, Smith; 7:12, Whiteman; 7:14, Pike Street; 7:15, Sidelines; 7:17, Evergreen; 7:19, Magnolia; 7:21, Old Viking; 7:22, Second Street; 7:30, New Martinsville School; 7:35, AAA – west side; 7:37, Hoffman Addition; 7:42, AAA – east side; 7:45, New Martinsville School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:07, AAA – west side; 3:08, Hoffman Addition; 3:09, Tractor Supply (turnaround); 3:10, AAA – east side; 3:13, New Martinsville School; 3:19, Old Viking; 3:20, Magnolia High School; 3:22, Evergreen; 3:25, Choo-Choos; 3:26, Pike Street; 3:27, Whiteman; 3:28, Smith; 3:29, Taylor; 3:31, McAdams; 3:32, Moore; 3:38, Rabel; 3:41, Dunham; 3:42, Thomas; 3:52, Oats; 3:54, Dunham; 3:55, Gump; 4:10, Thomas.
Bus No. 38; Driver Scott Hixenbaugh; Route, Chiselfinger/State Run Road/Fluharty Run.
Morning schedule: 6:25, Midcap; 6:27, Midcap; 6:30, Dawson; 6:33, Daily; 6:35, Midcap; 6:40, Ueltschy; 6:51, Ueltschy; 6:52, Ueltschy; 6:55, Staley; 6:56, Preat; 6:57, Loy; 6:58, Loy; 7:02, Bassett; 7:08, Higginbotham; 7:10, Cecil; 7:11, Loy; 7:17, Turkey Run; 7:18, Morris; 7:20, Highley; 7:22, Blake; 7:24, Bowen’s Store; 7:27, Fox; 7:32, Smith; 7:34, Partridge; 7:35, Hupp; 7:36, Tennant; 7:37, McGraw; 7:38, Whipkey; 7:39, Mason/Poling (9-12); 7:40, Short Line School; 7:47, Valley High School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:11, Valley High School; 3:16, Short Line School; 3:18, Mason/Poling (9-12); 3:19, Whipkey; 3:20, McGraw; 3:21, Tennant; 3:22, Hupp; 3:23, Partridge; 3:24, Smith; 3:29, Fox; 3:31, Bowen’s Store; 3:33, Blake; 3:35, Highley; 3:36, Conley; 3:39, Norris; 3:42, Turkey Run; 3:46, Higginbotham; 3:48, Cecil; 3:50, Loy; 4:02, Bassett; 4:04, Loy; 4:05, Loy; 4:06, Preat; 4:07, Staley; 4:11, Ueltschy; 4:12, Ueltschy; 4:24, Ueltschy; 4:29, Midcap; 4:33, Dailey; 4:34, Dawson; 4:39, Midcap; 4:42, Midcap; 5:00, Short Line School.
Bus No. 39; Driver Rick Yoho; Route, Postlethwait Ridge/ Morris Run/ Kirk Ridge/ Endicott.
Morning schedule: 6:40, Greathouse; 6:49, Fate; 6:53, Morris; 6:55, Morris; 7:10, Henderson (turnaround); 7:14, Henderson; 7:19, Endicott; 7:22, Dorsey/Long; 7:25, Morris; 7:27, Kuhn; 7:30, Bear Run; 7:33, Low Gap Church; 7:34, Hill Top (turnaround); 7:42, Miller; 7:45, Long Drain School; 7:50, Hundred High School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Hundred High School; 3:14, Long Drain School; 3:16, Miller; 3:27, Hill Top (turnaround); 3:28, Low Gap Church; 3:30, Bear Run; 3:34, Kuhn; 3:36, Morris; 3:40, Dorsey/Long; 3:43, Endicott; 3:48, Henderson; 3:49, Henderson (turnaround); 4:00, Morris/Moore; 4:02, Morris; 4:05, Fate; 4:12, Greathouse; 4:30, Bus Lot Valley High.
Bus No. 41; Driver Tim Sapp; Route, Sancho? Burton/ Pogue Run.
Morning schedule: 6:44, Richards; 6:45, Kirby; 6:46, Bartrug/Geer; 6:47, Kuhn; 6:50, McGill; 6:53, Bowman; 6:55, Thomas; 7:04, Yocum; 7:08, Bragg; 7:09, Varner; 7:12, Hayes; 7:13, Derby; 7:15, Senior Citizen Building; 7:23, Log Cabin; 7:26, Cunningham; 7:27, Armstrong; 7:31, Kuhn; 7:32, Moore; 7:33, Kuhn; 7:35, Longwell; 7:37, Stewart; 7:39, Turnaround (Route 7); 7:39, Tedrow; 7:40, Burton Clinic; 7:41, Shackelford; 7:42, Metz; 7:45, Hundred High School; 7:50, Long Drain School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:09, Long Drain; 3:13, Trailer Court; 3:16, Hundred High School; 3:17, Senior Citizen Building; 3:19, Derby; 3:20, Hayes; 3:21, Bragg; 3:24, Richards; 3:25, Kirby; 3:26, Bartrug; 3:27, Kuhn; 3:29, McGill; 3:31, Bowman; 3:34, St. Cloud; 3:42, Yocum; 3:43, Bragg; 3:44, Varner; 3:47, Metz; 3:48, Shackelford; 3:49, Burton Clinic; 3:50, Tedrow; 3:52, Stewart; 3:57, Longwell; 4:00, Log Cabin; 4:01, Kuhn; 4:02, Kolat; 4:03, Moore; 4:04, Kuhn; 4:05, Cunningham; 4:06, Armstrong; 4:20, Garaging Point.
Bus No. 42; Driver Scott Hennen; Route, McKimmie/Money/Piney.
Morning schedule: 6:05, Short Line School; 6:19, Lemley; 6:28, Morris; 6:31, Edgell; 6:43, Hornbeck; 6:44, Starkey/Williams/Teller; 6:45, Highley; 6:46, Preat; 7:10, Ring/Morris; 7:11, Fluharty; 7:12, Hall; 7:13, Piney Forks; 7:14, Clements; 7:15, Williams; 7:18, Fluharty; 7:19, Fluharty; 7:20, Kinkade; 7:21, Hinerman; 7:22, McCoy; 7:24, Rice; 7:25, Tennant; 7:27, Yoho; 7:29, Trader; 7:35, Valley High School; 7:43, Short Line School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:17, Valley High School; 3:22, Trader; 3:23, Yoho; 3:24, Tennant; 3:26, Rice; 3:28, McCoy; 3:29, Hinerman; 3:31, Kinkade; 3:32, Fluharty; 3:33, Fluharty; 3:35, Williams; 3:36, Clements; 3:37, Piney Forks; 3:38, Hall; 3:39, Fluharty; 3:40, Ring/Morris; 4:00, Preat; 4:01, Highley; 4:03, Starkey/Williams/Teller; 4:04, Hornbeck; 4:15, Edgell; 4:18, Morris; 4:26, Lemley; 4:40, Short Line School.
Bus No. 43; Driver Doug Bucher; Route, 8 Mile/Furbee Ridge/Brush Run/Crows Run.
Morning schedule: 6:35, Brown; 6:40, Smith; 6:44, Pittman; 6:46, Parks; 6:48, Bassett (Eight Mile); 6:50, Long; 6:55, Adams; 6:57, Eastham; 7:00, Hornbeck; 7:04, Rush; 7:08, Brisendine (Brush Run); 7:11, Brown; 7:16, Bassett (Crows Run); 7:18, Highley; 7:19, Bassett; 7:20, Eddy; 7:21, Bassett; 7:24, Blacker; 7:28, Methodist Church; 7:29, Community Center; 7:30, Short Line School; 7:33, Yeager (9-12); 7:34, Tennant; 7:35, Reader Fire Hall (9-12); 7:36, Scott; 7:38, Stout (9-12); 7:40, Headley; 7:41, Tracy Dip; 7:42, Valley Manor (9-12); 7:43, Arnett; 7:45, Valley High School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:11, Valley High School; 3:12, Arnett; 3:13, Valley Manor (9-12); 3:14, Tracy Dip; 3:15, Headley (9-12); 3:17, Stout (9-12); 3:19, Scott; 3:20, Reader Fire Hall (9-12); 3:21, Tennant; 3:22, Yeager (9-12); 3:23, Short Line School; 3:26, Community Center; 3:28, Methodist Church; 3:30, Blacker; 3:31, Bassett; 3:32, Eddy; 3:33, Bassett; 3:34, Highley; 3:36, Bassett; 3:39, Brown; 3:40, Rush; 3:41, Brisendine; 3:48, Hornbeck; 3:50, Eastham; 3:52, Adams; 3:55, Long; 4:00, Bassett; 4:02, Parks; 4:05, Pittman; 4:09, Smith; 4:13, Brown.
Bus No. 44; Driver Steve Wayts; Route, Downtown New Martinsville.
Morning schedule: 6:55, Wayt & Foundry Street (K-8); 6:56, Dunlap Street (K-8); 6:57, Thompson; 6:58, Alpine Feed Store (K-8); 7:03, Progressive Bank, Pine Street (K-8); 7:05, Route 2 & Industrial Lighting; 7:14, New Martinsville School; 7:24, 5th & McEldowney Avenue (K-8); 7:26, 4th & Duerr Street (K-8); 7:28, 4th & Leap Street (K-8); 7:29, 4th & Russell Street (K-8); 7:45, New Martinsville School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:05, New Martinsville School; 3:15, 5th & McEldowney Avenue (K-8); 3:17, 4th & Duerr Street (K-8); 3:19, 4th & Leap Street (K-8); 3:20, 4th & Russell Street (K-8); 3:30, New Martinsville School; 3:40, Route 2 & Industrial Lighting; 3:43, Progressive Bank, Pine Street (K-8); 3:51, Alpine Feed Store (K-8); 3:52, Thompson; 3:53, Dunlap Street (K-8); 3:55, Wayt & Foundry Street (K-8).
Bus No. 45; Driver Mike Daugherty; Route, Richwood/ Buffalo/ Jacksonburg/ Upper Run/Reader.
Morning schedule: 6:35, Shreve; 6:48, Yoho; 6:50, Price; 6:57, Lemasters; 6:59, Reese; 7:00, White (turnaround); 7:01, Dulaney; 7:05, Snodgrass; 7:10, Arnold; 7:11, Arnold; 7:13, Mouth of Richwood; 7:15, Long; 7:16, Birchfield; 7:17, Rux; 7:17, Headley; 7:18, Jacksonburg Fire Hall; 7:23, Sivert; 7:23, Larrimore (Mon./Tues. Only); 7:25, Stackpole; 7:26, Cain; 7:27, Wyatt; 7:28, Leek; 7:32, Valley High School (9-12); 7:40, McGraw; 7:41, Mellott/Swiger; 7:42, Sell; 7:43, West; 7:44, Hall; 7:45, Lowe (Bottom of Money); 7:49, Short Line School.
Afternoon schedule: 3:10, Short Line School; 3:14, McGraw; 3:16, Mellott/Swiger; 3:18, Sell; 3:18, West; 3:19, Hall; 3:20, Lowe (Bottom of Money); 3:29, Valley High School; 3:36, Martin; 3:37, Mouth of Upper Run; 3:38, Wyatt; 3:39, Sivert; 3:40, Larrimore (Mon./Tues. Only); 3:40, Cain; 3:41, Stackpole; 3:47, Jacksonburg Fire Hall; 3:48, Headley; 3:48, Rux; 3:49, Birchfield; 3:50, Long; 3:50, Brown; 3:51, Mouth of Richwood; 3:52, Arnold; 3:52, Arnold; 3:55, Snodgrass; 3:57, Lemasters (Fork of Richwood); 3:58, Reese; 3:59, Dulaney; 3:59, White (turnaround); 4:11, Yoho; 4:19, Shreve; 4:43, Short Line School.