Grant To Help Development
Wetzel County will be receiving a local economic development grant in the total of $34,000 according to Josh Jefferson, project coordinator of the Regional Economic Partnership Program. Jefferson explained to the commissioners in a Aug. 18 meeting that there are three counties involved with the Certified Development Communities Program. Those counties involve Ohio, Marshall, and Wetzel counties with the total amount of all three counties receiving is $102,000.
LED grant monies are used for general program operations to further local community economic development efforts. As a part of these efforts, local development authorities agree to participate in the Certified Development Communities (CDC) program.
The program is designed to encourage communities across the state to become better equipped to meet the needs of existing and prospective business and industry.
The LED grant program allows an economic development authority to be eligible to receive up to $30,000 per county, if the development authority provides a cash match equal to the amount of the grant.
Jefferson told the commissioners that the industrial park area in Wetzel County is still vacant, although it has been shown numerous times. Scott Lemley, county commissioner, asked about how many times people have looked into that area. Jefferson replied that between July and August, there have been about four visits from people taking an interest to look at it. He reminded the commissioners that Wetzel County has the river going for it and the railway, but not flat ground. “Wetzel County has been a challenge,” noted Jefferson.
Also before the commissioners Tuesday was Rosy Cozart to give her monthly report from the Wetzel County Animal Shelter. She also told the commissioners that the Mutt Strut in October will be at Bruce Park.
She informed the commissioners that after checking with the law officials, she was given permission to let dog owners walk their dogs down Main Street during the Mutt Strut event to bring more awareness to the animal shelter and what this fund raiser is all about. With the event being done in New Martinsville this time, Cozart is hoping it will bring more attention to the cause and involve the community.
Cozart also explained to the commissioners that she would like to set up a separate meeting with the Sheriff’s Department and his deputies to discuss calls they are getting on dogs at residents’ homes this summer with no shelter from the hot sun. Lemley reminded those present at the meeting that there are rules for the humane treatment of animals and the Wetzel County Sheriff’s Department has a copy of this.
Cozart noted that awareness is needed by the public concerning this matter and she is receiving calls regarding this issue.
She thanked the commissioners for the maintenance work that was completed at the shelter from the list she submitted to them from last month.
The Wetzel County Animal Shelter monthly report from May 30 to Aug. 4: dogs euthanized, none; cats euthanized, none; dogs adopted, 10; cats adopted, four; dogs to rescue, 21; cats to rescue, five; dogs returned to their owner, two; cats returned to their owner, none; dogs taken in, 32; cats taken in, none; dogs in approval/foster care, one; cats, none; dogs in present impounds, none; cats in present impounds, none; dogs quarantined, none; cats quarantined, none.