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An Excuse Or Reason?

By Staff | Aug 19, 2009

Just as the days are heating up to true summer levels, the pools are closing and the countdown has begun to the beginning of the school year-the unofficial marker to the end of summer.

Sure, there will be many more days of warm weather and outdoor fun, but the ringing of the school bell signals the end of somewhat schedule-free and flexible days.

A friend of mine said she just realized about a week ago that it was summer, now it’s almost over. I know exactly what she means.

I have often said that one of the things I really miss about being an adult is the tangible beginning of summer with the end of the school year. Every kid knows when summer begins. . . and ends. We adults seem to keep our eyes glued to our computers or other work-related tasks, oblivious to the season of fun.

My sisters and I have been saying all summer that we want to take Joellen to Idlewild Park in Ligonier, Pa. Daniel and I took her there last year and it was very enjoyable. . . for all of us.

My sister even has some free tickets just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, to be used. Hopefully we’ll get to exchange them for a day of fun this week, but I’ve been wondering if we would even have gotten around to planning and making the relatively short trip if we hadn’t already had the tickets in hand.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes we need an excuse to have fun? Actually I’m not sure if that’s funny or sad.

I hope you have a reason to have some summer fun as we wind down these last few days, and technically weeks, of summer. Turn off the television and computers, silence the mobile phone and enjoy some unencumbered moments with friends and family.

It will be time well spent making memories that will last a lifetime. . . much longer than the e-mail or text you just sent.