West, Nastasi

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nastasi
Nicole West and A.J. Nastasi were united in marriage at 5:30 p.m., June 12 at First Christian Church, New Martinsville, with the Rev. Robert Brooks officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Larry and Debbie West of New Martinsville. The groom is the son of Joe and Rena Nastasi of Woodbury, Pa.
Jessica Flowers, friend of the bride, was matron of honor. Joe Nastasi, brother of the groom, served as best man.
Other attendants included: Leah Bohrer, Lara Day, Danielle Dodson, Sheena Keating, Emily Miller, LaToya Parks, Heather Quinet, Garry Black, Zach Dillow, Lance Nimmo, Corey Reffner, Adam West, Chad West, and Nathan West.
Joe Nastasi and Dominic Dodson were ring bearers and Maya Nastasi was the flower girl. A reception was held at the Lewis Wetzel Family Center in New Martinsville.
The bride is a 1999 graduate of Magnolia High School, a 2003 graduate of Glenville State College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education, and a 2006 graduate of West Virginia University with a Master of Science Degree in Physical Education. She is employed by Monongalia County Schools as a teacher.
The groom is a 1998 graduate of Northern Bedford High School and a 2003 graduate of West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sport Management. He is employed by the Waterfront Place Hotel as a manager.
After a wedding trip to Maui, Hawaii, the couple resides in Morgantown.