Eller And Knickerbocker Will Debut CD Thursday

Scott Knickerbocker and Gary Eller play some of their traditional music in the garden at the New Martinsville United Methodist Church Sunday evening. They will be singing again, with a new repertoire, Thursday evening at the first ArtsLink Coffeehouse of 2009.
Gary Eller, a performer who has family ties in this area, will be on hand to entertain folks at the first of the August Coffeehouse performances presented through ArtsLink, the arts council for Wetzel and Tyler counties. Eller’s performance will begin at 7 p.m. on Aug. 6 on the lawn of the Francis Creative Arts Center at the corner of Maple and Washington Avenues in New Martinsville. The August Coffeehouse Series is sponsored this year by Don Riggenbach, of Riggenbach Tile and Carpet, and his wife, Jackie.
Eller and Scott Knickerbocker, a Professor of English and Environmental Studies at the College of Idaho in Caldwell, will be traveling throughout West Virginia in early August playing music every day and collecting early (pre-radio era) songs. They will be introducing a new CD of such songs with an illustrated booklet with photos, drawings, and text pertinent to each of the 14 songs it contains. The audience in New Martinsville will be among the first to have access to the CD.
Area residents are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs and enjoy the music and the light refreshments that will be provided at this free event. In the event of rain, the concert will be moved indoors. ArtsLink is committed to providing universal accessibility wherever possible. Persons with special needs may contact the office at 304-455-2278.