From Richard and Linda Kernan
We from the Wileyville VFD and Homecoming Committee want to thank everyone who helped with this year’s homecoming. We don’t want to miss anyone. If you baked or cooked something or gave of your time or financial support, it was all greatly appreciated.
We would like to especially thank Kari (Teagarden) McClure for making the DVD of our 2008 homecoming for us to sell. It was a great fund raiser and if you would like to have one of the DVDs, you can still purchase them for $10 each.
We also want to thank everyone who attended the homecoming and hope that you had a great time. If there is anything that you can see we can do to make things better at homecoming, don’t hesitate to let us know. We can’t fix a problem if we aren’t aware of it.
If anyone has any old pictures of Wileyville that they would like to share, please contact us and we can get copies made and use them at next year’s homecoming.
You can always contact us at (304) 386-4532. If we aren’t there, leave a message and we will call you back.
Thanks again,
Richard Kernan, president of Wileyville VFD
Linda Kernan, president of Homecoming Committee