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From Lela Pemberton

By Staff | Jul 22, 2009

I would like to tell you about a great resource available to the residents of West Virginia. Link Child Care Resource and Referral is a non-profit agency funded by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Early Care and Education, and governed by River Valley Child Development Services to manage their child care subsidy program.

Link serves Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam, and Wayne counties. Link assists income eligible families with the cost of child care so they may participate in employment or educational activities. Link also provides consumer education to help families make informed decisions regarding the care and education of their children.

Link recruits and trains child care providers, offers training workshops for child care professionals, behavior consultations, and the Traveling Resource and Information Library System (TRAILS).

Link maintains an updated list of registered home providers, facilities, and Child Care Centers. This list is available to anyone who needs to find a quality provider to care for their children.

There are Resource and Referral agencies available throughout West Virginia. If you would like more information about the services available through Link CCR&R, please call 1-800-894-9540.

Lela Pemberton

Huntington, W.Va.