From Don and Kathy Wise
The WV Good Sams are part of the largest camping organization in the world. Each year we hold a Spring and Fall Samboree. A Samboree is a camping RV rally. This year our WV spring Samboree was held at the Wetzel County Fairground in New Martinsville. RVers from 12 different states attended our Samboree this spring. This spring we had six RV vendors to attend and participate at the Samboree.
Each year we like to communicate to the hosting area the amount of money we spend in your area to the area county commissioners and area Chamber of Commerce. We hope that you will forward this along to everyone in your area government and those in your governing organizations.
We ask everyone to save their receipts in the receipt box during each event. After a Samboree is over we tally the receipts to give you an accurate figure of what we spend in your area during an event.
Spring Samboree: rental for grounds, $2,000; entertainment, $2,000; one Ford F350 truck repair, $2,800 ; receipt box, $2952.24; event food purchases, $800; miscellaneous for event, $800.
We were also very thankful for the extra patrols from the area police and fire departments.
We thank your for your help and support of the WV Good Sams and look forward to your continued support.
Don and Kathy Wise
WVGS State Directors