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From Wayne Fetty

By Staff | Jun 24, 2009

The Junior and Senior High youth at the New Martinsville Church of God would like to thank the Prosecuting Attorney Tim Haught of Wetzel County for speaking at their Thursday youth night.

Mr. Haught spoke to the teens about the dangers of prescription drugs when they are abused. He told the youth that Wetzel County has had three young adults die from the abuse of prescription drugs.

Prosecutor Haught informed the crowd that abuse occurs when you take a prescription drug for any reason beyond what it was prescribed for, when you take a prescription drug that was not prescribed to you, and when you take more than the dosage states. Prescription drug abuse can lead to addiction, jail, and death.

Mr. Haught told the young people that they should not give in to peer pressure when it involves something that can lead to breaking the law and harming their body and ruining their lives. The Wetzel County Prosecutor said that the best way to avoid drug, alcohol, or tobacco addiction is to never take the first one. If you never take the first one, you will never face addiction.

Prosecutor Haught told the teens that the Bible is a guide a life. The Bible has the answers for so many questions that we face in our life. Let this book help you to stay healthy and live a long life.

In closing, Mr. Haught asked the teens to get help if they have a problem. Don’t let it grow into a larger problem. Go to your parents, guardians, teachers, youth leaders, or contact him. Help is available if you will only ask.

Wayne Fetty

Junior and Senior High Education Director

New Martinsville Church of God