Retirees Represent 429 Years Of Experience

Pictured are employees of the Wetzel County School System who will retire at the end of this school year and who were recognized for the service at the June 1 meeting of the board of education. First row from left: Sam Snyder, Darlene Michalec, Sandra Greathouse, and Carol Gorby. In the second row are Dave Cisar, Carolyn Zeppuhar, Lee Ann Horn, and Patricia Ludolph. Third row, Board Member Linda Ritz, Emily Fenton, and Jack Haught. In the top row are board members Bob Patterson, Willy Baker, Superintendent Bill Jones, and Board President Mike Blair. These personnel, combined with Essie Longwell, Marcia Morris, Georgia Rice, Joseph Schilling, and Bernard Shackelford, who could not attend, represent 429 years’ experience in the educational system. (Photo by Bill Abraham)
Wetzel County schools will lose a combined 429 years of experience when 15 service and professional workers retire at the end of this school year.
The board hosted those employees at a reception prior to the June 1 meeting and presented each with an engraved paper weight to honor their service, as Assistant Superintendent Jay Yeager described the highlights of each employee’s career.
Retiring employees and the facilities from which they are retiring are: David A. Cisar, 39 years, teacher at Magnolia High School; Emily P. Fenton, 34 years, teacher at NMS; Carol S. Gorby, 20 years, cook at Paden City Elementary School; Sandra R. Greathouse, 30 years, classroom aide, NMS; Jack E. Haught, seven years, classroom aide, NMS;
Lee Ann Horn, 34 years, teacher at PCES; Patricia A. Ludolph, 33 years, teacher at NMS; Darlene A. Michalec, 35 years, home economics and English teacher, Hundred High School; Samuel M. Snyder, 31 years, principal at HHS; Carolyn S. Zeppuhar, 35 years, technology coordinator and teacher, NMS.
Zeppuhar will continue as technology coordinator and Cisar will remain head baseball coach.
Several employees were unable to attend the reception. They were: Essie “Rosie” Longwell, 11 years, cook at Long Drain School; Marcia J. Morris, 32 years, librarian, Spanish teacher at MHS and part-time teacher at NMS; Georgia M. Rice, 26 years, custodian, MHS; Joseph J. Schilling, 22 years, bus operator, Eight Mile Ridge; and Bernard L. Shackelford, 40 years, mathematic teacher and technology coordinator, HHS.
The board also conducted its evaluation of Superintendent Bill Jones’ current tenure, as required by law and board policy. In a statement released following the meeting, Blair said the board “has concluded that (Jones) has met or exceeded all standards and goals for the 2008-2009 school year.”
Jones, a former teacher and administrator in the county school system, was called from retirement in 2007 to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of former superintendent, Dr. Paul E. “Butch” Barcus Jr. when no suitable candidate could be found from among the several interviewed. Jones has one more year of his appointment left under his present contract.
The board recognized two New Martinsville School students, Myshna Napier and Haley White, who contributed their hair to the Locks of Love program to help support the Wetzel County Relay For Life.
Minimum salary schedules for professional and service workers were given the nod at the same rates as the current ones.
An entry-level service worker could earn from $17,040 annually in pay grade A, to $20,350 for pay grade H.
The earnings for that same service worker with 40 years’ experience would range from $29,870 a year in pay grade A to $33,190 annually for pay grade H.
The starting pay for professional employees ranges from $30,197 with a bachelor’s degree to $36,600 for a doctorate. With 40 years’ experience, the pay would range from $52,596-$59,009 per year.
Treasurer Jeff Lancaster reported $150,000 interest on investments the board makes to cover underfunded or unfunded programs, such as paying teachers over the number authorized under the legislative aid formula.
In addition, Lancaster said the school system received $73,000 federal reimbursement for its internet-based programs and another $40,000 in reimbursement allowance for administering federal programs.
The board made a number of summer program appointments, as well as new employments or changes in assignments for several teachers and service workers that become effective at the beginning of the 2009-10 school year.
Dawn L. West was approved for contracted services as summer program coordinator and teacher at Long Drain School. Contracted services also were approved for the following teachers: Donna L. Dennis, Karen L. Longwell, Alana J. Minor, David L. Pethtel, Chris M. Wilson, and Joni L. Yoho.
Summer bus operators at the school will be Carol S. Cecil, William S. Dakan, and Marie T. Norris. Contracted services also were approved for Sandra D. Geho as summer cook and for Marsha L. Magyar as custodian I.
Julie A. Channel was approved as summer program coordinator/teacher at Short Line School, along with the following teachers: Lisa M. Ferrell, Susan K. Flesher, Abram S. Highley, Amanda J. Ice, Patricia S. Potts, and Danielle M. Standiford.
James M. Daugherty, Wyatt L. Graham, and Thomas L. Pegg Jr. will be the summer program bus operators.
Donna J. Myers will be assigned as custodian II at the school and Candace O. Landers was approved as summer cook.
The board took Alan J. Miller from the Reduction-in-Force/Preferred Recall List and assigned him as countywide supervisory teacher aide/Autism mentor/special education, male, based at MHS for the 2009-10 school year.
The board okayed a change in assignment for Deborah L. Allen in 2009-10 school year from second grade teacher at NMS to first grade teacher at PCES.
In other changes affecting NMS, Terry L. Steele’s assignment was change from kindergarten teacher to first grade and Wendy A. Tallman will move from first grade to kindergarten teacher.
In addition, Terry E. Talkington will move from halftime cook III at PCES to cook III at NMS.
At LDS, the board voted to approve a change in Donna L. Dennis’ assignment as fourth grade teacher to fifth grade teacher. And, at Hundred High School, Sean L. Snedden will change from mathematics, chemistry, and physics teacher to math teacher.
Among service personnel, Bus Operator Franklin Hixenbaugh will take the Chiselfinger/State Road/Fluharty Run route in Bus #38.
The board approved Security Life Insurance Company of America as the underwriter of student accident insurance. The same company was awarded the coverage for last year.
The board scheduled its next meeting for June 15 at 7 p.m. in the county office building, 333 Foundry St., New Martinsville.