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Relay For Life Scavenger Hunt

By Staff | Jun 10, 2009

The Wetzel Chronicle Relay for Life Team is hosting a Scavenger Hunt to raise funds for the relay.

If you have never been on a scavenger hunt, you have missed out on a fun event.

The date for this event is June 18 at 6 p.m.

The Chronicle Team is challenging other teams to participate in this fun event.

The object of a scavenger hunt is to collect as many items as possible from a list that will be available at the Chronicle office at 6 p.m. There will be at least 10-15 objects on the list, with at least four digital photos taken on the hunt. Each car with team participants will need to have a camera, if they want to be a winner in collecting items.

The teams should try to be back at the Chronicle office as soon as possible.

All items on the list can be found in New Martinsville area. No one will view this list before the event. Speed is of the essence.

One idea is to have a designated driver, while others rush to get the object.

The list will have the approval of the both Sheriff Hoskins and Police Chief Tim Cecil.

Bruce Crawford, Chronicle staff member, will download all pictures to be sure they are of the requested object.

The money for the fund raiser will come from the cost of entering the race. Each car carrying team members or anyone wanting to get into this scavenger hunt will be $5.

Some nice prizes have been donated for the winners.

I can tell you that I have been on one other scavenger hunt and it was a fun evening. We had no idea beforehand where or what we would be looking for until our list was given out.

I am proud to say our “older” team beat the community college football team that challenged us.

Since I had been on a hunt, I was given the job of setting up this fund raiser for the Relay for Life.

I have only one suggestion, and that is your driver should know New Martinsville. Speed in obtaining the items on your list and getting them back to the Chronicle will determine the winners.

We encourage you to participate in this event. It will not only be fun, but will raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

If you have any questions, call Bruce at the Chronicle office, 455-3300.