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Board Recognizes Exemplary Teaching Attendees

By Staff | Jun 10, 2009

Pictured are four teachers and their principals who were cited by RESA-VI for their participation in the symposium on Exemplary Teaching Techniques last fall. In front are Paden City Elementary Principal Tammy Chambers and teacher Matt Kinnard; second row, Valley High School Principal Shawn Coen, who accepted the citation for teacher Mary Amy Kessinger; Magnolia High School Principal Kathi Schmalz and teacher Sadonna Kimble; third row, New Martinsville School teacher Angela Barcus and her principal, Fay Shank. At top center is Wetzel County Superintendent of Schools Bill Jones. (Photo by Bill Abraham)

At their June 1 meeting the Wetzel County Board of Education recognized four teachers who participated in last fall’s Exemplary Teaching Techniques symposium sponsored by RESA-VI. Angela Barcus of NMS followed reading assessment techniques, while Sadonna Kimble of Magnolia High School and Matt Kinnard of Paden City Elementary School, pursued language arts and humanities, respectively.

Amy Mary Kessinger, who was unable to attend the meeting, was represented by Valley High School Principal Shawn Coen, who said Kessinger is “a trailblazer in using technology” to teach her students.

In addition to Coen, principals Fay Shank, Kathi Schmalz, and Tammy Chambers attended the meeting with their teachers.

A New Martinsville School parent appeared at the meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education to complain about unresolved “abuse and neglect by other students” of her fifth grade child.

Princess Huggins said failed attempts to resolve the issue with NMS officials may force her to leave the area next year to enroll her son in another school.

In the center of the photo are New Martinsville School students Myshna Napier, left, and Haley White, who were recognized by the board of education June 1 for donating some of their previously below-the-waist tresses to the Locks of Love program to help raise money for the Wetzel County Relay for Life fight against cancer. Also pictured are Wetzel County Superintendent Bill Jones and NMS Principal Fay Shank. (Photo by Bill Abraham)

Board President Mike Blair said this was the first time the board had knowledge of such an issue and county office staff would investigate and respond to her complaint.

Also at the June 1 meeting the board approved contracted positions for a number of service and professional employees for the 2009 summer term.

In addition, it approved several out-of-state trips and requests from parents to release their children from the county school system or allow them to attend school in this county during the next school year.

Julie A. Channel was approved as summer program coordinator/teacher at Short Line School. Other summertime program teachers approved for SLS were: Lisa M. Ferrell, Susan K. Fletcher, Abram S. Highley, Amanda J. Ice, Patricia S. Potts, and Danielle M. Standiford.

James M. Daugherty was approved as summer bus operator at the school, as were Wyatt L. Graham and Thomas L. Pegg Jr. Candace O. Landers will be the school’s summer cook and Donna J. Myers was approved as custodian II.

At Long Drain School, contracted services were approved for Dawn L. West as summer program coordinator/teacher. Other teachers at LDS will be Donna L. Dennis, Karen L. Longwell, Alana J. Minor, David L. Pethtel, Chris M. Wilson, and Joni L. Yoho.

Carol S. Cecil, William S. Dakan, and Marie T. Norris were approved as summer bus operators at the school. Sandra D. Geho will be the summer cook and Marsha L. Magyar was approved as custodian I.

The board approved a request from Benjamin McPherson to take the Valley High School Band to the Cincinnati Zoo, King’s Island, and The Beach Waterpark June 6-8. The trip will be paid with student fees and student fund raisers.

Also approved was Josh Weekley’s request to take members of the VHS TSA team to compete at the TSA National Competition. Students approved for the trip were: Breanna Nolan, Lyndsay Sell, Bryan Sell, Eric Byard, Ezra Rice, and Patrick McGraw.

Weekley, Andrea Sell, and Brenda Nolan will accompany the group as chaperones. The trip will be paid for through student fees, donations, and fund raisers.

The board also okayed a trip request from Sarah Rodriguez to take the SLS eighth grade class to Gettysburg and Hershey Park, Pa., as well as Harper’s Ferry, W.Va., June 4-5. Payment for the trip will be made from student fees and donations.

Sherry Diana Klug’s request was approved to allow her two children to continue attending Wetzel County Schools in 2009-10. Denise Kehrer’s two children were approved to continue attending Tyler County Schools next year, while Craig and Amy Fluharty’s two children will continue to attend school in Marion County.

The board also approved a request from Mindy Mall for a school bus to transport 4-H youth to and from the Lewis Wetzel Swimming Pool/Bruce Bowling Lanes during 4-H camp June 14-19. Expenses will be paid by 4-H leaders.