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Crihfield Is Named HHS Valedictorian

By Staff | Jun 3, 2009

Cassandra Crihfield, Valedictorian

Hundred High School will holds it commencement exercises Saturday at 11 a.m. Cassandra Crihfield has been named the valedictorian of her class and Chelsea Danielle Kuhn earned the title of salutatorian.

Cassandra Crihfield is the youngest child of eight. She is the daughter of Jack and Inez Crihfield and the stepdaughter of Carol Price. Throughout high school, she has attended the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership, Get to Know Your State Government, Girl’s State, and the Governor’s Honor Academy.

While attending Girl’s State, she had the honor of interviewing Governor Joe Manchin. She actively participates in the Future Educators of America (FEA), New Writers Organization (NWO), Hornet’s Challenge to Change, Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU), and Future Farmers of America (FFA).

Holding several leadership positions, Cassie is the group leader of Raze, president of TATU, and past secretary and vice president of Hundred’s FFA Chapter.

She was the 2008 second place Extemporaneous Speaker at the State FFA Convention and she was on the FFA Dairy Cattle Judging Team which won first place at the state competition. She represented Hundred’s FFA at the National Dairy Cattle Judging competition, where she won the Silver Individual.

Chelsea Danielle Kuhn, Salutatorian

Cassie also wrote the First Place Essay in the “What my ag advisor means to me” contest. She also performed in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factor” and “Foibles and Follies” with her school’s drama club and has been a member of the choir since fourth grade.

During her junior year, Cassie completed over 100 hours of community service and received an award and letter from the President of the United States, honoring her achievement. Next year, she plans to attend Wheeling Jesuit University, where she will major in Pre-Med, hoping to specialize in Endocrinology in the future.

Chelsea Danielle Kuhn is the daughter of Dan and Lee Ann Kuhn of Burton. She is the senior class President and a four-year letterman in basketball, cheerleading, and softball. She is also an Academic Letterman and a member of the National Honor Society

She is treasurer of the FFA, a member of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), FEA, TATU, NWO, and Hornets Challenge to Change.

Her future plans include attending West Virginia University and majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Chelsea will be playing piccolo in the West Virginia University Marching Band.

Graduation ceremonies will be held at Valley High School Thursday at 7 p.m. and Paden City High School Saturday at 3 p.m.

However, information about those schools’ valedictorians and salutatorians was not available by press time.