From Raymond H. Renaud
Chesapeake Energy has taken a significant action to protect our students riding the school busses in Silver Hill area of Wetzel County. They are providing an escort vehicle that leads the school busses bringing students to and from their schools on two of the bus routes. This provides an extra degree of safety while sharing the roads with the heavy truck traffic associated with natural gas exploitation activities.
They have also made an effort to keep oversize vehicles off the school bus routes during the hours the school busses run as mandated by state permit regulations.
Most large trucks used by the Chesapeake subcontractors are also escorted by a lead pilot vehicle. Chesapeake voluntarily agreed to this measure and we are working with them to improve compliance. We are also working with Chesapeake to stop the speeding and littering by their subcontractors. The speeding is dangerous and adds to the dust pollution in the area.
On behalf of the Wetzel County Action Group, I would like to express our appreciation to Chesapeake for working with us on these measures.
Raymond H. Renaud
Friendship Ridge
New Martinsville