From Steve Kastigar
The New Martinsville Buck$ would like to thank everyone who came out to Magnolia High School May 1 and made the Relay For Life fund raiser with the Harlem Rockets Comedy Basketball Team a huge success. Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time and together we all raised approximately $4,000 for the Wetzel County Relay.
We would like to thank the Rockets. They were a great group of guys and all of us who had the opportunity to travel with them to the area elementary schools for the programs they put on for our children were highly impressed with their professionalism and the effort they put forth for our local children. After the game, they stayed until every last autograph was signed and were happy to stay around and discuss future projects even though they were facing the long drive back to NYC. We look forward to working with them again.
We also would like to thank Betty Klug and all the Relay For Life ladies (and Bruce). They were enthusiastic from the start and worked tirelessly with us to make this such a success.
Also, big thanks to Mrs. Schmaltz and Mr. Castilow at Magnolia High School for working with us and allowing us the use of the high school for this event. As anyone there can tell you, we packed the gym to the rafters and needed every bit of room.
Finally, a big thanks to all the guys on the team for all the help and especially to Rick Estep, who made this all possible. This was Rick’s idea and he’s the one who brought it all together. I can’t tell you how many hours he spent in contact with the Rockets arranging the game, with Relay bringing it all together, getting the t-shirts made, ticket sales, and the hundred other little things that all had to be done to pull this off. If you see him out on the street give him a big thumbs up.
Again, we would like to thank everyone who came out for an enjoyable evening of basketball skills and comedic entertainment and made it a big success. We would definitely like to do it again next year and believe that we can be even more successful. All who were involved had a great time and we raised a significant amount for a very worthy cause. It was a positive experience for us and all the community (especially the children) who had the opportunity to watch and meet those highly skilled and fantastic men, The Harlem Rockets. Hope to see you all again next year.
Steve Kastigar
New Martinsville Buck$