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Board Approves Various Matters

By Staff | May 13, 2009

An extended medical leave of absence was approved May 4 by the Wetzel County Board of Education for Abigail Tennant, supervisory teacher aide at Long Drain School. Her leave will run from April 8 through Sept. 15.

The board also okayed an out-of-state trip request from Michelle Swope and Jim West to take the eighth grade class at Paden City Elementary School to Cedar Point on May 30. The trip will be paid through fund raisers and student fees.

Jo Ellen Snider was authorized to take the fifth grade class at Long Drain School to the Carnegie Science Museum on June 1, with funding from the Fifth Grade Class Account at LDS.

Also approved was a request from Donna Dennis and Paula Cumberledge to take fourth grade classes at LDS to the Pittsburgh Zoo on May 22. The excursion will be paid through the school’s Fourth Grade Class Account.

Meanwhile, the board approved two chaperones/volunteers for LDS during the 2008-09 school year, Tasha Greathouse and Sabeena Myers.

Three chaperones/volunteers also were approved for Paden City Elementary School: Danielle Davis, Joel Davis, and Tommy Still.

The board approved a request from Bobby and Rebecca Hilpert for their daughter to be released from Magnolia High School to continue attending Tyler County Schools during the 2009-10 school year.

The board also approved a request from James M. and Carol Zombotti for their sons to attend New Martinsville School at the Wetzel County Center for Children and Families for next year.

The authorization is pending approval from Marshall County.

The board approved the second and final reading of a revision in its policy to control head lice.