Ball Presents Autism Seminar To Wetzel County Educators

Pictured from left are Kim Kehrer, I.E.P/Translation Coordinator for Wetzel County Schools; Dr. Jim Ball, Board Certified Behavior Analyst; and Suzie Vila, School Psychologist for Wetzel County Schools.
Dr. Jim Ball, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, founder of JB Consulting, and author of the book, “Early Intervention and Autism” was present during a two-day seminar on April 30 and May 1 at the Wetzel County Center Children and Families.
The Wetzel County Board of Education contracts with Dr. Ball for continuing support and education about autism. Ball has worked in the field of autism for more than 20 years and has lectured nationally and internationally. His book won the 2008 NAPPA Gold Award.
During his visit in Wetzel County, Dr. Ball visited classrooms and met with teachers and administrators.
At the public seminar, which 25 people attended, he spoke about increasing positive behavior in the home and he did individual conferences with the parents who had questions.
There are plans for him to return in the summer and during the next school year to continue this support for parents and educators. Kim Kehrer, I.E.P/Translation Coordinator for Wetzel County, said that Ball demonstrates a hands on approach working with children. He is a parent advocate and works with schools to do curriculum development, classroom management, staff training, and much more.
His Web site,, also has more information to learn about what he offers the public on autism awareness and information.
Kehrer said Wetzel County is pro active on autism and they are staying current with the needs of children.
She explained having Dr. Ball for seminars is a plus for the community. Kehrer spoke of the PERC (Parent Education Resource Center) that is available at the Wetzel County Center for Children and Families. They offer support and information for parents and the educational needs of children. They can be reached by calling (304) 455-3014. Anita Estel is the parent coordinator and is available for questions, concerns, or more information about Dr. Ball.