Organization Names Strippel As Top Tutor

Diane Strippel of New Martinsville is presented a certificate identifying her as the “Tutor of the Year” by Ken Block, president of the Wetzel-Tyler Volunteers for Better Reading. Persons wishing free help with reading skills may call 304-455-1933 for more information.
A retired reading specialist was honored April 16 as the “Tutor of the Year” by the Wetzel-Tyler Volunteers for Better Reading at their annual banquet. The purpose of the dinner is to honor the organization’s volunteer tutors and to reflect on the year’s progress. Pam Makricosta of Weirton, regional director for ProLiteracy West Virginia, was also in attendance.
Diane Strippel of New Martinsville had her name added to the permanent plaque that hangs in the Umberger Reading Center.
WTVBR President Ken Block noted that Strippel was the inspiration for an elderly man who wanted to learn to read his Bible. “She was a perfect match for him,” Block said. She is currently working with a student seeking to obtain her GED (General Equivalency Diploma).
The dinner was held at Quinet’s Court Restaurant in New Martinsville. Block recognized Janet Conn, New Martinsville Public Library librarian, for the support that the library has given to the organization.
As in years past, he emphasized that the greatest challenge for the organization was drawing out students who need help, but are reluctant to seek it. The volunteer tutors are willing to work with students of all ages, at no cost to the student, in private and confidentially. Too many students who need help are reluctant to seek it.
WTVBR works closely with Wetzel County Adult Basic Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Wetzel County Schools to identify and assist those who need help.
More information about receiving help with reading is available by calling 304-455-1933.