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Board Approves Several Changes

By Staff | Apr 22, 2009

The Wetzel County Board of Education approved several changes in employment, including the hiring of Daniel L. Postlethwait as halftime Custodian II at Valley High School on a 228-day contract. He retains his status as countywide halftime substitute custodian.

In addition, an unpaid medical leave of absence was approved for Abigail Tennant, supervisory teacher aide at Long Drain School, effective from March 16 through April 17.

The board also authorized halfday classes for Tamarelle N. Thomas, a senior at Magnolia High School, for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year, providing she accumulates sufficient credits to meet graduation requirements.

A travel requests from Eileen Miller and Fred Channel to take MHS and New Martinsville School theater students to the State Thespian Festival April 2-4 at Marshall University was approved. The trip will be paid by student fees and MHS funds.

Linda Kirk, Janice Moore, and Rick Duffield were approved to take interested VHS junior students to a College Fair at Belmont Technical College in St. Clairsville on April 24. Costs will be paid by the college and a WVACHE grant.

Before adjourning, the board voted to send a proposed calendar for the 2009-10 school year to the state department of education for final approval.

The next regularly-scheduled meetings of the board have been set for April 20, during which a vote will be taken on a proposed budget for the 2009-10 school year.